@Alberta Urban Garden

Alberta Urban Garden: How to install a DYI Floating Shelf for a Vertical Wall Garden

How to set up an indoor grow room
Growing indoors is a great way to pass away the winter months while still enjoying the fruits of your labours. The best part is it does not have to be complicated or expensive. On today’s episode I am going to go through setting up a two tiered growing area under a window and finally how much I spent on the project.
If you have access to a south or southwest facing window (North or Northeast if you are in the southern hemisphere) you can use something like a bookshelf you may already have laying around the house or build a temporary structure as I did in years past. That said as I grow indoors most winters I am going to invest in a permanent structure.

Indoor Growing Playlist:

Grow Lights Explained CFL LED and HPS:

Light Colour to Kelven rating:
[1] http://www.usa.philips.com/e/led-lighting/warm-white-led-lighting.html

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