Gardening Supplies

Allotment Update 29 /10 /23 – Q&A Answers on Gardening, Tortoise Keeping, Fishing & Music

A massive thanks for all the questions you asked and i hope i have answered them all in enough detail.

The Waiting ( Band )on Facebook –
Jill’s Art website
Jill’s art on Instagram
Scrivens Landscape Supplies ( Discount code Andy160676 ) –


  1. I'm still here but I've been ill all night, 😂 listening to your quite voice has helped me to fall off to sleep occasionally, sorry! My dear hubby will certainly enjoy watching your video later today. All the best love and thanks for the video

  2. 😂😂 servants quarters gave me a giggle. But lovely to get to know a bit more about you and your family dynamic. Thank you for sharing Andy have a wonderful week, Ali 🥶🇨🇦

  3. Funny how you moved north & sound like a northerner & I moved south aged 8 for 10 years & came back north sounding like a Leicester lad.
    (It was in Leicester I started with my love of gardening).

  4. That was an interesting insight into what you do across the growing, fishing & guitar spheres.
    Impressive guitar collection & worth rather more than my collection of fishing rods (I can't face binning them, even though some are early 70's fibreglass – the absolute bees knees back then…)

  5. Blimey! Epic episode!! That mixer at the end is a proper bit of kit though. I’ve got all my guitars just hanging off a stand or sat in floor stands in my lounge, but there are only …[counts]… 3x electrics and 1x acoustic – so far, though I try to make each be different from the others. I need to put in the 5h of practice like you did starting out, but I never do. I have enough proficiency to have fun, knowing I can go further as and when I want to. Mostly I just fire up the Quad Cortex and noodle through an amp while watching YouTube 🤘😁🤘

  6. This was a great Q&A Andy! Really interesting to hear all about your interests outside of gardening & growing veg. Thanks for answering my fishing question 👍. I enjoyed hearing about the band too, and seeing all your guitar collection. Do you ever do any Eagles covers? … they were & still are one of my all time favourite bands.

  7. Great piece work this. Fascinating & interesting documentary, I thoroughly enjoyed it. My favourite fighting fish is a perch.
    Do you write your own songs etc ? & have played with anyone famous ?

    Ps thanks for video help in making the hooped beds, it’s helped keeping the butterflies off but not cabbage aphid – any tips – thanks again.

  8. What an interesting video! I might try growing peppers in a mini tunnel next year. I can't grow them!
    Kain is lovely! Adorable!
    Back in the day, I loved going to rock pubs and listening to live bands. I know I'm alot older now, but pubs just aren't the same as in the 80s and 90s, which is such a shame. I'm glad you still enjoy playing in a band and fishing to give you some respite from caring for your dad.
    My goodness! What alot of guitars!
    I love Def Leppard, Journey, Scorpions, Within Temptation etc. basically, anything with a good tune and chorus! Who do you like?
    Take care and thanks for sharing.

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