Edible Gardening

Installing a Wood Stove in a massive RV

Watch as we do what others say can’t be done… installing a wood stove in our massive 42 ft RV fifth wheel home we live in now as we build our own home in the freezing temps of North Idaho.

Our Lintree: https://linktr.ee/anchordownhomestead?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=5b969798-be8f-4551-985d-5f560d473a3e

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  1. Great job. I didn't see it but did you put fire brick on the floor? Something so that should a spark pop out onto the floor it won't catch RV on fire

  2. Yes…. Is there fire brick down? Would not want anything to happen to you and your beautiful family from a spark. Robert Bates is a retired firefighter!!! And he’s all about safety!

  3. Look for old pine trees or stumps. They have old sap filled wood that burns long and hot and can be lit with a match. In the south we called it Fat Lighter.

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