Edible Gardening

You Must Sow These in November

It may be cold and dreary, but there’s still sowing to be done! What on Earth can you sow now, you might ask. Well, quite a lot as it turns out!
In this week’s episode, Ben reveals his autumn favorites that you can sow now!

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
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  1. When I planted sweet peas, the plant was so good, but I didn’t get any flowers at all, very disappointed as sweet peas are my favourite flower, the scent reminds me of my Dad. Any ideas on what I can do to make sure I get flowers next year, we move to our house in France 1st December, and my first place to be will be in my garden trying to get it ready for planting and in the green house planting up some seeds that you have shown today, hopefully it won’t be to late, I’m so excited about my new garden.

  2. Lovely video – I'm in zone 8b (Oregon) and have sown garlic and peas already – getting ready for the broad beans!
    Just got another copy of my old favorite, Winter Gardening in the Maritime NW by Binda Colebrook (great name for a winter gardener as the coles are so winter hardy!) And I need to scatter some corn salad seed, as I'm in a new garden!

  3. I recently planted Carcassonne Wight – 10 cloves, a bulb (8 cloves) of harvested Caulk Wight from last year and a bulb (12 cloves) of Lidl’s large garlic(for the first time). I am surprised that all of the Lidl shop-bought garlic has sent up shoots already but nothing else has appeared.

  4. I’m in zone 8 as well and planted my onions directly into the soil now I am thinking I have done it all wrong 🙁

  5. An excellent video, clearly explained and informative. I too got my garlic from The Isle of Wight as super quality. Thank you. I think you should write a book…I would buy it !

  6. My newly built house will be completed sometime this winter of 2024 so that's when I'll start building wooden racks for my 5 gal buckets in which I will grow potatoes & onions & carrots & tomatoes.
    The house has a nice quaint cellar where I can store these veggies too !!

  7. Hi I’ve drop you a message on Instagram I think 😅, I have a cooking channel I’m looking for gardening channels to do grow and cooking videos with and your my fav gardening channel 😃

  8. I have some garlic planted, but could I replace the leaves that you've used with conifer needles to keep the bulbs warm?

  9. Another excellent video Ben. Sure to inspire and motivate… In a few more weeks, once it is good and cold, and there is no chance of the soil warming up… It will be a good time to sow spinach and other similar greens. If you sow those into a bed and cover them with leaves, they will be one of the first greens to pop up in late winter/ early spring. I’ve had them sprout up out of the melting snows, and they are most welcome. Winter is my favorite time to garden and I love how the winter, frosts, and snows can make some greens and veggies sweet (especially brassicas). But I also grow in my tropical greenhouse and let some veggies bask in the grow lights that are there to help the tropicals. There is always plenty to do in the garden for those that know and are not afraid to get their hands dirty. Cheers.

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