@Garden Answer

Garden Answer Highlights: How do You Keep Pumpkins from Rotting? // Did You Solve the Koi Mystery? // Recap ๐ŸŒฟ



  1. Picky, picky, picky. Can't believe there is so much talk about the number of fish. Eleven koi and one shark. People get over it. The number of fish is NOT life threaten.

  2. Could you guys do highlight videos in the off season, on relationship, specifically how you deal with business, family, and decision making in your business and family? I think you guys have a really healthy relationship, and could bless us with your wisdom โคโคโค

  3. @16.40, Just have to agree with Aaron about this, (no surprise at all there). The gardener's challenge is not so much the growing of plants, but highlighting them in their best moments and figuring how to mask them at times when they aren't shining. Layering is key. Tulips with Daffodils, add Allium and Columbine to follow, plus Lilies, Echinacea, Rudbeckia and Cosmos to carry the show, all tucked in together. This is how I am trying to solve the difficulty of sad-looking fading tulip leaves. I realize you have endless space compared to the gardens I care for, and that makes for a very different effect. Small gardens can be more jumbled together, but grander gardens require a quieter approach in the planning. I cannot express how much I enjoy seeing your gardens evolve and listening to you talk about all of it!
    Love you guys so much! I learn so much from both your channels!!
    High Fives! Thank You Both So Much!!

  4. I laught so much with the "man going to the point"..it happens a lot here๐Ÿ˜‚.. Laura, I feel your pain๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  5. Have the same problem with the dahlias so I dig them up before the first freeze! Darenโ€™t keeping them in the soil as I might loove them all. Have way to many to dig them all in one or two days ๐Ÿซฃ๐Ÿฅฐ

  6. Knock8ng on that pipe โ€ฆ.all ya need (easy for me to say ๐Ÿคฃ) is a pipe strap. It needs strapped to the studs. Two dollar fix, the plumber probably forgot it. But the hole to get to itโ€ฆlol

  7. I ask my husband a question. He starts from the beginning and talks down but doesnโ€™t get to the point. I wait then I say. โ€œ Now answer my question.

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