@Epic Gardening

Epic Gardening: DIY Garden Path Ideas and Build (+ Why I Started Epic Gardening)

As fall slowly makes its way to San Diego (Zone 10b), I find myself in a gardening lull, making some improvements to the front yard rather than actively cultivating the plot right now. The end of summer always leaves me a little drained in the garden, and I like to take some time, reset, and prepare for round two of San Diego gardening.

That means replacing the brick pathway in my garden, which had become a tripping hazard! I chose a simple paver-style layout that makes it easier, safer, and hopefully a LITTLE more beautiful in the front yard, though I’m no landscaping expert.

At the end of the video, I go into some of my thoughts about career paths and talk a little about how Epic Gardening started. I find it so valuable to go your OWN WAY in this world and consider paths that you might otherwise have not thought of as viable options.

Today’s video is sponsored by the National Association of Landscape Professionals, who have an incredible careers page for the vast array of opportunities in the field of working with and around plants.

Check out their careers page here: https://bit.ly/2NmuqxW


Epic Gardening is much more than a YouTube channel. I have a website with 300+ gardening tutorials as well as a podcast where I release daily gardening tips in five minutes or less. There’s also a Facebook group with over 1,500 other gardeners sharing their tips.

→ Full Article: https://www.epicgardening.com/landscaping-careers/
→ Website: http://www.epicgardening.com/blog
→ Podcast: https://apple.co/2nkftuk
→ FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/epicgardening/


If you like my videos, articles, or podcast episodes, please consider supporting on Patreon. For rewards, I’ll answer gardening questions and make videos!

→ https://www.patreon.com/epicgardening

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This video is sponsored by the National Association of Landscape Professionals.

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