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YOU should grow an acorn this fall! #oaks #trees

Growing an oak tree from an acorn is fulfilling and fun! And if you plant that oak sapling, it will provide many ecosystem benefits for decades. Here’s how you can grow an oak tree from an acorn!

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  1. Do not grow it in a pot. Oak trees need a very big taproot and if you grow in a pot you will effectively destroy the tree

  2. I have squirrels and crows. and they plant them for me, even in places that the oaks don't belong. believe it or not, those to animals know the good acorns better than you and I can.

  3. We live in the woods and I have mature oaks. I pull up hundreds of baby oaks every season from flower beds, driveway, the yard….

  4. I have a few seeds from an Asian Pear tree. I have them germinating now. (I hope) if they sprout, should I put them in a can as well?

  5. Wait, you can just plant trees..wherever? I always thought you couldnt plant trees outside of your property without some licens. An one hand, this is awosome news to me, on the other hand, whats preventing people from planting harmful, non-native plants in public places?

  6. Tried this. Got like 50 seeds to sprout then planted them and they all died. They didn't like the black clay we live on. Or the transplant shock.

    Going to try again but just planting the seeds in clusters where I wanted the trees to grow.

  7. I just found a white oak acorn on a walk with a root sprouting out last week and planted it, then I see this short and it was like "WTF" are you spying on me? LOL. I'm looking forward to the results!

  8. This video came to me just in the right moment, tomorrow i'm going camping to a forest reserve, and i was thinking about taking some acorns and seeds from other native trees, to grow 'em

  9. I have an oak tree above my backyard but it almost never drops mature acorns? I only ever find small and green ones, even the larger ones are still green. I wonder why? Maybe the squirrels eat them all before they fall so I never get to see them lol

  10. I actually didxD An acorn somehow got into the pot of my houseplant and grew a sapling. Two years later I smuggled it on a plane to Poland and planted it in my mom's yard. It's now about 5m tall and doing great:)

  11. Thank you for this inspiring video. We are also oak tree fans here in the western suburbs of Chicago. My grandparents lived among 200+ year old Burr Oaks and a few giant White Oaks. So I planted several of their acorns at my historic Des Plaines home. Today three Burr Oaks are 25 years old and are tall and strong. One white oak is 23 years old but growing SLOWLY at only 15ft.

  12. Especially plant trees from the white oaks, there used to be a lot more of them, but we over harvested them.
    Squirrels and other animals will thank you. There is less Tannen in white oak acorns.

  13. My neighbor across the street has six massive oak trees, as does my neighbor across the alley. I don't even have to try and 1,000 sprout up lol

  14. I don’t think I can do that. I live in Australia. It’s early spring and already upwards of 35 degrees C outside sometimes.

  15. Tell them why you use chop cans Andrew the public doesn't know about taproots and such. Any struggles with mice eating the seedlings?

  16. I’ve been sprouting live oak acorns. But the squirrels got most of them. Out of about 50 I’ve had come up, one is left. I’m babying it because live oak only seed every two years.

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