@Alberta Urban Garden

Alberta Urban Garden: Top Gardening Tips

Today I am going to go through the top 8 tips from the last year as decided by you the Gardening YouTube Community. As i go through the top 8 videos Ill touch on how each one of these videos contribute to the Alberta Urban Garden Motto of Simple, Organic and Sustainable gardening.

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Top Garden Tips Playlist

[1] Fruit Tree Grafting for Beginners

[2] Fertilizer your Organic Garden for Free with Banana Peels

[3] How and Why I use Eggshells to Fertilize my Organic Garden

[4] Does Compost Tea Work?

[5] Potato Growing Hack to Double Harvests

[6] Grow a lot of Food in a Small Garden – 10 easy tips

[7] Installing a Rain Barrel for Beginners

[8] How to Make Easy Compost

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