@Kaye Kittrell

Kaye Kittrell: Big Los Angeles July Rain Event | Late Bloomer | Episode 11

Subscribe! http://www.latebloomershow.com/ Kaye highlights the historic Los Angeles rain with rain clips from around the world. “Help me inspire people to grow their own food and take control over their food security. Your donation of any amount makes ‘Late Bloomer’ possible and available for anyone.” http://www.latebloomershow.com/donate

Bloopers and spectacular lightning at end! With original music by Graham Plowman.

:13 – Introduction of historic rain July 18
:54 – Rain starts gently just after 3PM
1:15 – Neighbor Zachary drops over to check out Kaye’s first pumpkin
1:29 – Kaye appeals to the clouds to deliver more rain
3:01 – Kaye attends to the rapidly full rain buckets
3:38 – Rain barrel set-up
4:52 – Compost on driveway acts as a dam to absorb water
4:54 – Rain increases intensity
5:13 – Kaye is soaking wet
5:25 – Rain statistics “This was the wettest July day in nearly 130 years,” etc.
5:35 – Total rain captured.
5:57 – Rain clip from Chicago garden.
6:32 – Rain clip from Mumbai, India.
6:53 – Rain clip from Manchester, N.H.
7:46 – Rain clip from Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
8:22 – Rain clip from Sydney, Australia
9:00 – Blooper reel chasing June bug

Subscribe at http://www.latebloomershow.com/ and download a FREE ebook “10 Steps to a Great First Garden.”

“Late Bloomer” follows Kaye’s journey to grow food in her Los Angeles front yard and exists to inspire anyone to grow their own food. “I hope you enjoy this episode and share with friends and help me grow ‘Late Bloomer.’ Your comments are welcome. Thanks for all your support!” – Kaye

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