Front Yard Garden

On the Sofa: I don’t want a big garden (your house move concerns addressed).

Phew….just in from harvesting, all hot and sweaty….and full of excitement for my next adventure. But, first, addressing some questions and concerns raised recently about my house move. Health care, rent or sell, out of season visit etc………and the big one of gardening/allotmenteering in the future.

Living without a wage……living off the land and making do & mending. Click subscribe to follow my journey.

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  1. Regarding new knees – mine are shot too but my physios (NHS) have told me that I'm too young at 67 and too fit and able to be considered for replacements, they are saying this because I can bend my knees by 130 degrees and I'm able to sleep well at night. They have said that one would need to be kept awake by pain and only be able to bend the knees by 90 degrees to be considered a good candidate for surgery.
    I thought that they were saying this to save NHS money but they said that this wasn't the case. They explained that it's a really tough operation with painful rehab so to feel that all of the pain is worthwhile you needed to be absolutely at the end of your tether going into it. They also said that hip replacement patients have easier rehabs, they know this because they treat all the replacement joint patients as they recover. I was a bit disappointed at first but having done more research it seems that what they have told me is correct and I just need to work on strength and balance until I'm unable to tolerate it any longer.

  2. I’m loving how energised you are since the Swanage visit…🤗we inherit some traits from our grandmothers that are an amazing link. I remember making corn dollies and have a Christmas tree decoration just like yours. My daughter also made them at school. Lovely video thanks for taking time to address people’s issues although you’re perfectly fine to do whatever you want it’s because we care! xxx

  3. Lovely video Vivi, no questions, I just enjoy following your journey. Made me laugh when you said you’re a chatty girl. I was just told by someone they can’t watch my videos as I am too chatty 😂 (you and I are gentle worlds apart on our life path and therefore my content, but we have cooking & growing veg in common and I enjoy the whole of your channel) xx

  4. Vivi you must, at the end of the day, do exactly what is right for you. You know Swanage. you know London and more importantly you know your own mind. For those who think that moving isnt a dilemma, of course it is. It is one of the most stressful life experiences there is and if you have one chance to make that move then it becomes doubly so. I've watched your channel for long enough to know that you have your head around everything you need to know to make the right decision for you. Good luck with your move, whenever it happens and your new projects. I hope you find the place that suits you and your needs wherever it might be.

  5. Totally with you on not going into a rental Vivi. If you're anything like me you have worked hard to have your own place and the day I received the letter telling me the mortgage was paid off I just sat there and thought "this is all mine, and even if I have to live on porridge and beans on toast, I'll always have a roof over my head and a door to shut". I don't have to live off porridge and beans on toast (although I do enjoy both of those) and am definitely comfortable now that I get my state pension as well as a good company one. I agree on the garden too – when I moved in to my bungalow I did downsize the garden (to what many would think of as medium-sized) and totally transformed it by putting veg. beds in and a huge border pretty much all by myself. I absolutely loved gardening and would often spend my annual leave, as well as weekends, out there with just a few "pit-stops" – but now I am 68 and have not been so well I often wish it was much, much smaller. As you said – just a courtyard for a table and chairs and a few pots would be ideal. I have been having my garden made "easier" with more patio and gravel but it's surprising how much work even they entail. It's always easy to look at other people's lives and think (say) "why don't you do this – why don't you do that", and I'm probably as guilty as anyone but considering you've got to whatever age you are (I know you're in your 50s), and with the rich and varied life you have lived, it is clear that you have enough knowledge and experience to know what you want/need. I know people often accuse me of being impulsive when they don't realise I have spent hours (weeks and months sometimes) thinking things through. Just because I don't go round telling people my every thought certainly doesn't mean I don't have any. Sometimes things have gone wrong and people have said "told you so" but that's life isn't it? You can think and plan, and take all the advice offered and things just sometimes don't work out but from what I have seen of you – you've got this.

  6. It's this time of year that I start to think about crafting. Having recently picked up my crochet again (and trying some lace doily crocheting), I've been watching some YouTube videos on other crafts. I'm eager to try sashiko (a traditional style of Japanese embroidery) and lino cut printing. And now, thanks to you, corn dolly making has been added to that list!

  7. Hi Vivi. It was lovely to see you enjoying yourself and having a good time in Devon (although I realise some parts were difficult). Wouldn’t be amazing if you could continue making corn dollies and keep the craft alive! Also, I often think about your story of meeting Patrick Leigh Fermour & wondered if you’ve read any of his letters books? There are three that I know of and having read the first two I can’t wait to read the third. Maybe give one a try if you see one around & haven’t already read them. X

  8. Ooo, a while back I said I could imagine you in your new front garden chatting to people as they pass by while you tend your flower garden. I can now add an new imagination, you selling your beautiful sewing and corn dollies to the tourists. X

  9. So sad that you have to address what the title of the video says — your house move concerns addressed, it’s for no one to be concerned about what Vivi needs, it’s for Vivi to address what Vivi needs and wants, sort your own lives out and let Vivi decide where she wants to spend her life. I’m here half hour away if you move down to Dorset and you can always come play on my two allotments 🥰♥️

  10. Do show us how to do simple corn dollies! I love random crafts to try and the one you showed would make a nice Christmas tree decoration with some red ribbon. I can probably find a bit of straw or grow some to try it!

  11. I completely understand vivi Praying that you find the perfect home for you 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️

  12. All the best in the future wherever you land Vivi.
    Love the corn dollies idea, i did have a random image cross my mind of you turning half your plot into a corn field for materials for your new venture 🤔😀

  13. Would you ever go back to book selling in a shop? Beans: I did have to look up demi sec? Sek? I never heard of it until you mentioned it. I haven't been able to find them near me here in Texas but that doesn't stop me from trying to grow them!

  14. Ohhhh–I love your craft idea! It's so wonderful to keep the old crafts alive. You'd probably make a nice bit of cash selling them too!

  15. I started watching you because of the gardening but i'm hooked on everything you do & i think the corn dolly idea is great i think they would make lovely christmas decorationsxx

  16. Oh my! I swear you have covered these questions over the years 😂.
    I live in the UK south and luckily own my home now. A 3 bed house with a steep staircase and a large garden on 3 levels.
    I am just a bit older than you and am still working.
    Like you the joints are playing up, especially the knees. I look at my stairs and know that I will need a stairlift at some point if I want to stay here ( blissful, very rural).
    I fill my garden with veg growing, the children laugh and call it my allotment. I get food security and exercise. However, I am with you not wanting a large garden. It is becoming harder, jobs take days now, whereas I could do it all without batting an eye.
    I know that I will have to rethink the garden eventually into more permanent planting and curtail my growing area but I don't want to ever stop growing!
    P.s after some hairy months with my daughter, the chemo went well and fingers crossed all will be fine. Thank you for your kind words, I really appreciated the virtual hug, bless you ❤ x.

  17. I think you have made it very clear about moving, lots to consider and when the time comes you will make the right decision. Happy house hunting when you are ready, exciting times.

  18. I love watching your adventures Vivi, it's just lovely seeing what you're getting up to and I love listening to your lovely stories. Can't wait to see where the future takes you and where ever you end up I'm sure it will be lovely. Corn dollies sounds great, again I look forward to seeing what you produce, I love crafts. Now my children are older I'm getting back into crafts I haven't done in a while and also some new. Thank you xXx

  19. I’m so excited to join you on your life’s next chapter. You’ve thought it out very well.

  20. Patio with table and pots, and two rectangular beds that are 3 feet deep so you can sit on the "walls" and reach the middle of the beds. I'm so excited, and I'm not moving. Go Vivi!

  21. I can understand why your surgeon won't release someone to your circumstance, but I don't get why they don't give you the gel injections in your knees. Mine have been wonderful and going on 6 yrs now, I may never have to have knee replacements afterall. I wish you well with getting everything sorted, big decisions can be stressful, you're very bright and you will make the right choice. (or make the choice the right choice)

  22. I just had to pop in and tell you that you have so inspired me with your veg growing and this year was my first real go at it. Tonight I had the most wonderful roast veggie (beetroot, carrot, parsnip, courgette and beetroot) dinner and it was so satisfying to know I’d grown it. We’ve also had beans, salad, spinach, tomatoes, radish and herbs. It is a lot of work and I do have a strong partner but we’re going to look at raised beds and making things easier next year. So thank you for all the years of inspiration and knowledge, it’s really made a big difference to me. X

  23. I love your craft. I wonder whether it would work with dried lemongrass leaves. It looks like it might. You could grow a big pot of lemongrass in your new home. Lemongrass can grow quite a lot of leaves and would smell lovely.

  24. I don't know how I missed this video. I'm so glad you're in high spirits. I know wherever you land it will be great and you do always make the best of things. Such a great attitude.
    I love those corn dollies. My mom's family made them and I always thought it was a French or Scandinavian tradition. I'm so glad to know now. I can't wait to see you make them. 💗

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