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YOU Won’t Believe China’s New 31 Point Plan

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China is back! Reopening back up after its Golden Week with more plans to “support” the economy. At least according to the latest likely officially-approved rumors. Yet, like earlier in the summer, no one is buying them. Quite the contrary, the more the Chinese try the more you know they know it isn’t going well.

Eurodollar University’s Money & Macro Analysis

RealClearMarkets Essays:


  1. Scholars who study the stock market’s historical performance estimate that over time, the payment (and reinvestment, and compounding) of dividends have contributed anywhere from 30% to 90% of the S&P 500’s total returns. I want to spread across $400k into profit yielding dividend equities but unsure of which to get into.

  2. Wrong Way Peachfuzz here is at it again – China equities up almost 10% since the release of the CPC draft revive plan.

  3. YOU won't believe how much money Jeff and Steve have lost in The Bond Market in the past 3 years!

    Buy their snake oil, fund their losses.

  4. Water conservancy is diverting water from the south to the north. Spend for spending's sake; like the last 14 years of stimulus spending. Everything else is over built, water is all that is left.

  5. China got no plan, no solutions for this. They ain't capable of thinking anything up…other than stirring up trouble across the world to create chaos and wars, and drag the entire world down with them …ccp back hamas for instance

  6. Nobody knows the future, much less the snaggletooth grifter of the fake university. He blathers much, and you will become dumber if you take his insincere words seriously. His latest meandering nonsense – recently blathering fear about oil prices – can though, help you learn how ridiculous his blather actually is. Notice that the recent cycle in oil peaks was around 95 or so a barrel. All sorts of theories about why the surge, but nobody talking about the likely reason, only known to most in retrospect – certain people knew that Israel would be attacked and sought to make money on that knowledge, driving the surge. Note that Snaggle's theories were just vague blather intended to make him seem smart or knowledgeable about oil (he knows how stars behave around black holes, he says anyway, another funny part of his con…that his scope of knowledge extends well beyond earthly matters). Note that the war didn't even cause a surge in the price of oil (I think it was at 92 after Hamas attacked) – a decent indication that those that knew the war was coming sold the news and took their profits (to be recycled to Hamas eventually). Now oil is in the low 80's despite the war and the concerns it would have on oil prices. So yes, Snaggletooth will use headlines to assist in his cons, but just remember….he knows nothing, not about wars, not about oil, not about how non-US banks use dollars…Jeff is a grifter. His pal Steve is a grifter. And if you take either of them seriously…you, my friends, are their marks.

  7. Where is this headed? How do I make $ on the coming world crash? Knowing things around the world are getting worse is good but how do I position for it?

  8. There is actually a really simple way for the Chinese to get out of the recession. Just let it happen and wait it out. Try it sometimes. In human history 99% of recessions are resolved that way and here we are. There is a mental illness going around in economics nowadays that trumpets recessions as a terminal illness that should never be allowed to take hold. It assumes that recessions have no beneficial effects and that they have positive positive feedback loop that will perma-lock an economy into low or no growth. Of course non of this makes any sense.

    These view turns on its head the classical theory of the business cycle which says booms cause busts and busts cause booms which implies that recessions are negative not positive feed back loops. Also if recessions are so bad, the last 10k years of economic history where recessions happen every 5-7 years and depressions happen every 40 yrs or so should be one where humanity never makes it out of the stone age.

  9. I believe it. The Chinese economy is toast, and the Politburo knows it. And they can’t fix it. Local governments are broke. And they can’t get any taxes because the property market is dead. Export orders way down. Floods. Problems all over the place. On the US side, producer price index up 0.5 percent in September. Gasoline up 5.4 percent. Food up 0.9 percent. Energy up 3.3 percent. The bottom line, more price inflation and high interest rates for many more years. This is what happens when you print money like there is no tomorrow, and repress interest rates for years. The bubbles in financial assets now are much bigger than in 2008. The leverage is huge and the system is fragile. Almost any little thing could cause the house of cards to fall.

  10. Jeff your hair needs more volume on the top. Also, blank American Apparel t-shirts are very 2010s. Please get some t-shirts with cool designs on them. Thanks.

  11. lol… they only need a 1 point plan. Help the citizens drowning in debt by going brrrrr & crash the Yuan OR Obliterate the middle class and crush any social unrest North Korean Gangnam style. They are doing more of the second as far as I can see.

  12. Impressive video. I started a bit late (graduated from my doctorate program at age 30 in 2016 with 170k in school loan debt). Managed to pay off my debt by 2019 and currently have a house and 250k total in investments (combo of profit share, 401k and a brokerage account). I'm not very knowledgeable with investing, so I have all my capital currently vested in index funds but considering the dollar dumping and current inflation crisis. How optimal would this be beneficial long term?

  13. Our economy struggling with uncertainties, housing issues, foreclosures, global fluctuations, and pandemic aftermath, causing instability. Rising inflation, sluggish growth, and trade disruptions need urgent attention from all sectors to restore stability and stimulate growth.

  14. I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my whole life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Mrs Maria Reyes.

  15. You got I right: Just wait until the CCP and PBOC come up with the 32nd point, that will finally change everything 😂

  16. This is a great video I really appreciate the dedication in each video you post, I learn a lot watching your videos and it has always been helpful to me. Building a steady income is quite difficult for newbies.. Thanks to Mrs. Catherine Gauthier for improving my portfolio. keep up with the good videos.

  17. Thank you for this presentation. It will be interesting if China contimues to sell off its US Treasuries to support the Yuan/Renminbi as it transitions through the choppy waters of the gl9bal economy. That might impact the yields on the extra US Treasuries auctions planned.

  18. Really appreciate your daily updates. You cover the Eurodollar system uniquely. Two points. Water conservancy could be a vast undertaking. We have ignored this in the UK for decades and now have periods of material water shortages, despite a wet cool climate. Water is becoming a critical national security issue for many countries so should not be trivialised. Readers should also familiarise themselves with the precise nature of the China residential Ponzi scheme (which falls outside your purview). Arguably it’s way too late to rescue the system, aside from the Government/Central Bank taking essentially large parts of the private housing stocks into public ownership. Thank you for the good work.

  19. China has been playing "rope-a-dope" with the rest of the world for decades, hiding behind it's false humility crocodile smiles

  20. wars is the best way for the governments to get back the lost confidence to the systems. it will reset within a short period of time and will guarantee a steady growth for the ahead century.

  21. According to people? Are you KIDDING ME? According to PEOPLE? One of the people said? I do not believe this! Oh, brain dead Bloomberg! What did I expect? Asked not to be identified? Likely excuse.

  22. Central planners who can’t plan their way out of a wet paper bag. I wouldn’t bet on these fools being able to change their loosing record. They’ll use warfare to tighten their grip because that’s the level of their intelligence (lizard brain only).

  23. I watch this handyman on utuve. In the last month his biz went from 150% to 5%.
    150% was nonstop calls some he wouldn't return.
    Here is a comment from a Home inspector from the video-" As a licensed Home Inspector, this is my worst year in 14 years. The economy is terrible, but the housing market is the worst. "

    3 days ago

  24. Copper and steel prices are related to the eurodollar? Lol come on man. They overbuilt. Theyre deflating a bubble. There i explained in two sentences what took you 20 minutes of word salad.

  25. US and West say China collapsing for the past 20 years 😅. Nothing new. Companies mismanage and close down everyday everywhere. It's healthy as the fittest survive.

    China is having 5% GDP this year and US 1%, 2% and yet some people are saying China is collapsing. If China is collapsing then US is worst than collapsing right? What are these people talking about? Are these people dumb or what?

    China is focusing on quality growth and not quantity. China is the only major growth generator of the world now. China has no structural problems while US has structural problems where the government just kicks the can down.

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