Garden Plans




  1. Your garden is doing great. We are supposed to drop down to +36 degrees tonight. I need to bring some of my plants in. We have at least a couple dozen gourds that came from a volunteer seed. Enjoy your garden harvest ❤😊

  2. I love how you use your space to the max and having such success with everything. The mystery brassica looks like my cabbage that was stunted all summer and is now growing. But, it also looks like Collards. Whatever it is, the leaves are edible.

  3. Hi CiCi! Awesome garden tour. Everything looks great! Your strawberry plants are beautiful, and the leaves are so green.
    Thanks for sharing!😊

  4. CiCi next time plant your roselle or Sorrell as we call it in the Caribbean. I have a massive bushes and have harvested at least twice and will before it gets too cold. Next time you plant it do it in a larger pot or in the ground. I will have lots of seeds and when I will be happy to send you some — Smile. I am growing the varieties we have in the Caribbean and they produce big flowerets, I will be setting up my Caribbean Sorrell Drink for Christmas soon. . looks like a broccoli or brussels sprouts.. Smile. Got a question- do you only plant in 0nes or are they just for testing.. Have a Great and Happy Planting . Ninette Bird- The Caribbean Wife- Cameron – Tx

  5. It could be the variety of Roselle you have planted. The Roselle i used in the past doesn’t produce buds until the weather gets cool/cold. But I have a variety that started blooming in August. Also, I grew Roselle in Pots without a problem so you’ll be fine. If the roots in the pot come in contact with the ground, you won’t be able to move that pot again without killing the plant.

  6. Hi Cynthia, I finally am done growing for the year ! I just picked the last of my Banana and Cubanella Peppers on Sunday but when my husband and I went to start picking the peppers he look over at the other cable wire spool and notice something! You know how I told you all season long that my butternut squash was only producing male flower's and then when I spotted 2 very small sqash on the vine and I didn't know if they got pollinated and you said if they were yellow they didn't get pollinated well they didn't because I didn't see them flower. Well they started getting powdery mill dew on them, the leaves were getting light green and had darker green spots on them, the vines looked bare, some of the vines were starting to die, and with it raining all the time and the humidity I just gave up on them since our frost date was around Set.15th !!! Remember I said my husband notice something on the other spool table he went over and lifted something little up in the air and it was a 3" – 4" baby butternut squash that got pollinated! I said to him are you kidding me!!! So he just picked it because the vine was starting to dry up and he put it out in the front yard on the bench with my small pumpins and all week we are going to be in the mid to high 40's to low 50's during the day time and they said that it don't look like we will be seeing anymore 70's temperatures. I just wanted to cry when I seen that baby butternut as much as I wanted them to grow because I love them it just broke my heart, but that's ok 😂 I'll be ready next year. I already have my 40% shade cloth and some poles I just need some hooks so it won't fly away and hopefully by then my husband gets me my raised beds. I did get 4 -5 handfull of Big Boy tomatoes but they weren't big thats for sure the biggest one I got was about 1 1/2" – 2"" it was probably because all the rain and humidity, but I did pickled the Banana Peppers I got almost 3 big mason jars full and 1 small jar full so those did great. The Cubanella Peppers I got about 6 big handfulls of those so those did great too, but I did miss growing my Okra this year I loved the flowers on them they are so pretty! But good luck Cynthia on getting a lot of produce from your winter garden!!!

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