@One Yard Revolution

One Yard Revolution: Our Fall/Winter Garden: Low Cost, Low Effort, Self-Sustaining

Our fall/winter garden is low cost, low effort, and mostly self-sustaining. This year we made a few minor adjustments to respond to weather and pest issues, but otherwise the fall/winter garden is on track.

OYR is all about growing a lot of food on a little land using sustainable organic methods, while keeping costs and labor at a minimum. Emphasis is placed on improving soil quality with compost, mulch, and compost tea. No store-bought fertilizers, soil amendments, pesticides, compost activators, etc. are used.

Featured Videos:

Soil Fertility Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0v8SWe2uDw&list=PLApXYvbprElwCOe5gdtcOMiEMGRpUBb4e
Winter Vegetable Garden:http://youtu.be/Scru8xQ-Akk
Taking Frugal Gardening To A New Level: http://youtu.be/75KXESxcYb8
Coffee Grounds – How And Why We Use Them In Our Garden: http://youtu.be/uA5K5r_VXLs

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