Garden Plans

My Front Fall Garden! New shrubs!

My name is Laura and I’m a home gardener in Southern New Jersey. Hoping to inspire you in your own garden. Thank you for joining me in my garden!

~ Favorite Pottery ~
Wakefield Handmade:
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~ Greenhouse details ~
The Parkside from BC Greenhouses

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We purchased the Greenhouse from BC Greenhouses. They later graciously offered me an affiliate link to share. If you purchase a greenhouse from BC using the link above, I will make a small commission on the sale. This is no extra charge to you. If you are already planning on ordering your dream greenhouse and purchase one through this link, it helps me to continue sharing, helps to support my future garden plans and expenses, and my family. Thank you for being here!

🌻 How’s It Growing? 🌻
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~ Contact ~
How’s It Growing? C/O Laura Boissonnault
PO Box 370 Paulsboro, NJ 08066


  1. Mums are perennials, if planted in the ground they will flower next fall. I have four BEAUTIFUL MUMS in buds and/or flowers already. Gorgeous.
    Your gardens look lovely! Truly inspirational and a treat to see your creativity! God Bless! YOU are adorable!

  2. Laura, I'm so glad that you posted this Fall Garden video, I'm sure I wasn't the only one that had been missing you on YouTube. I love seeing the changes you have been making to both your front and back gardens. Blessing to you and your family and have a great weekend. ~Margie🤗💐🍃

  3. Hi Laura, I love your gardens and keeping everything “real” for those who don’t have acres and acres of gardens ! 🌸❤️🇨🇦

  4. Love the front walkway. WHen you showed the pumpkin with the birds and said you got it years ago… heart sank. Then I thought…hey… I have lots of old pumpkins , and I am sure I have lots of different garden birds in the garage…. so today I will be gluing two onto a pumpkin, then spray the whole thing dark bronze … and Wha La!!!! Monkey see, Monkey do! Someone did mention your front looked like a miniature Linda Vaters new cottage steps. I immediately thought the same thing, especially with her two pineapple finials. Love it.

  5. Hey Laura! I just love your garden! It's super cozy but what I appreciate the most is you're not afraid to show your works in progress. Because let's face it…that's what everybody's garden looks like!!

  6. Laura, everything really looks amazing! Love the festive touches inside and out! Speaking of warts and all, my garden has had a fair share of warts this season. It’s been so hard, but I’m getting my second, maybe third and forth wind to get out with some clean up 😂. It’s starting to really feel like Fall here. Thank you my friend for lending to my motivation!

  7. It all looks lovely, Laura! The garden areas AND the porch. Really sweet. You’ve done SO much in the last few weeks! ❤😘❤️

  8. I found it very strange that I have not seen you in months and then all of a sudden you pop up. Is YouTube doing something to keep people from showing up on my subscription?

  9. Hi Laura! Your gardens and home are so cozy!! You have made a charming home for your family and you should be very proud!! I love it!! Have a good day! Hugs! 🙂

  10. Front gardens looking 👍 and lots of new plantings will be beautiful! I’m sooo with you, that when I work on one area of my garden, all other areas suffer! And it doesn’t stop outside, but inside the house too … groceries, laundry … et al 😮

  11. I think your front garden is nice, I like the brick path, the pineapple finials, the hedge in front of the rail and the pots up the steps….many of us have this style of house, I have a porch with the steps coming off to the side…and it’s an older cottage. So I get lots of ideas from you wether it in the front or back….also I am not a fan of mums.

  12. Wow! You have been busy and all of the work outside created more charm and beauty in the front yard and of course, the backyard. You have given me ideas and inspiration for the area along our front sidewalk. Your Halloween collection on the mantle is precious. The scarecrow in the backyard is my favorite – so jolly!

  13. Mums comes back every year! This year they are as they are grown in pots. They are about 4 years old! They must be watered from the top!

  14. Hi Laura, I discovered your channel this spring and it's been very inspiring! I'm in Maryland and it's nice to see your garden and get ideas and validate some of my own decisions.

  15. Your edging looks fabulous. I have been wanting to do a natural edge, but we have Bermuda grass. I don’t know if that would be constant maintenance with the runners or not. What type of grass do you have?

  16. Your place is so pretty! I love the pumpkin with the birds and your boot rack! Your Halloween collection is wonderful, thanks for sharing it! Happy Thanksgiving to your Canadian followers!🍁🇨🇦

  17. Love your videos, Laura! The front yard looks amazing and I love, love, love your back yard – so charming and whimsical. What a creative person you are!!

  18. Beautiful….your laugh is contagious… first for me seeing your channel. Go girl ..wish we were ❤❤neighbors… we would have so much fun.

  19. Hi Laura, have been missing you! I’ve heard of Southern Living encore azaleas but wasn’t familiar with them. I’m working on my front yard and these will be perfect! 🌼🐝

  20. I really dislike my front yard 😢 it's bare and there's barely any sunlight. I can't plant hostas there because the heavy deer population in my neighborhood so it has been blank for 14.

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