Container Gardening

S4:E26 – It’s a wrap for the bucket garden 2023

It was a very interesting season for the container garden. In this wrap-up we’ll chat about the year and talk a little about the next garden – watch till the end for a couple bloopers.


  1. I've really enjoyed watching your journey with the garden! You guys got a lot better overall results than we did, that's for sure. If you're "experimental," then we're whatever is several degrees below that level, LOL.

    We were about to throw in the towel entirely because it didn't feel worth the time, effort, or the ginormous water bill, but then the hubby harvested two of our potato buckets today, and we actually got a decent yield out of them. Not enough to put any up for the winter or anything, but… We planted Yukon Golds, so they're on the smaller side to begin with–some were REALLY small–but we've got enough for a couple rounds of mashed potatoes. If the other two buckets are about the same (or, dare we hope, better), we'll consider that enough of a success to try them at least once more next year, with a few changes: they're definitely going on a drip system, because watering them all by hand was a major pain, and I suspect pretty wasteful considering the water bill. We're also going to build a regular stand for them along the side of the house where they'll be more out of the way of the yard and where we get the most sun anyway, and we'll add a few more buckets to try for a higher yield. Other than that, we're going to give our apple trees a better start in the spring, only grow one type of tomato, some onions, and a few herbs, maaaaybe add some berry vines, and that's it.

    Side note: I've loved seeing my beautiful bestie joining you on the videos more often lately!

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