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Where Did All the Normal People Go? (Jeff Raymond)

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Jeff Raymond from Eden Grow Systems and David DuByne talk about something so simple, but in todays so complex, where did the normal people go. Also ideas of how to grow food indoors and get ready to grow food at your home, and why that is a must not a choice moving forward.

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  1. Jesuits are responsible for most of the issues with world financial markets currently!

  2. The government of the UK has just presented a law that requires all social media, emails, phones etc would have to submit encryption code to the government so nothing is private.

  3. Most seeds need stratification. A month at 32°. Everything the last 3 years seems subpar. The seed company likely skipped that process to cut cost or speed production.
    Save most of my seeds. Store them in small manila envelopes in a cool dark place.

  4. Washington D.C., district of Columbia. Columbia is a goddess that they worship. Go look up Columbia, images, scroll to the older images. Read the Revelation and see if they look the same. Read your Bible James 1:5

  5. We do not live in a solar system. If you are a Christian then you should know everything we see was made for us. The sun moves around us. Go to blue Letter Bible type sun into the search. Every place it is mentioned a verb tells that the sun moves. Read the Bible.

  6. A question for the ages!!!! I’ve been wondering for a while where the normal people have disappeared to, I’m so happy to see I’m not the only one who has been thinking along these lines

  7. … chuckling… thought your guest was gonna faint when you brought up the fact of no electricity…
    … of course you immediately referenced solar…
    … but cracked me up when you first mentioned the fly in the ointment to his $1000 dollar sales pitch…

  8. 5:20 "One of the ways they're gonna come and try to force you…"

    12:17 "…focus on the thing that we think they're going to attack, which is food"

    20:36 A 'coming' together of something…

    42:28 Don't be a Foxtrotting SOL. Hop on the ark that isn't flat-lining its curves.

  9. Slow, as usual… This hasn't been a Constitutional Republic since February of 1871, it is a "Title 28 U.S. Code § 3002 (15)(a) Federal Corporation." Every statist slave conservatard voter loves to refer to us as a Constitutional Republic. Pay attention, field slaves.

  10. They are using it this destructive cycle to help with their depopulation goals they are lining them up together. The control is to take our rights away and human traffic us Etc and I don't think it is exactly healthy to welcome a destruction cycle with open arms though I do accept that this is my reality and a lot of it does sound nice. In a way I am in a way I am not looking forward to the satellites and electrical grid Crashing Down when the Magneto sphere weakens enough.

  11. Seeds are probably being irradiated before transport, perhaps because of some intentional legislation somewhere, done with the full knowledge and intent of the bad outcome but couched in some supposed "agricultural safety" terms. — I don't really know but that would be my first guess and first avenue of investigation.

  12. Plants can be grown in near darkness. Does sun and grow medium count? Yes, but its not solely medium. Experiments were conducted in the 1920s.

  13. It's funny you talk about magnetism. I work with a grounding mat & a good portion of my life is spent with a ground connected. I feel like Im not on the same frequency as the people around me.

  14. I'm feeling it at the register n my kitchen, something s r down but other foods r still up n dollar twenty five store things got smaller. If anyone wants to buy seeds do self favor after all the work in garden buy organic even if it's just one item n save the seeds.

  15. My goodness, I was listening to someone this morning saying failure is learning. I said that to a friend over a decade ago, and now you're both mentioning it. Now we can help others because we've learned.

  16. In the meantime life goes on……. the stores are full of food….. massive choices, the power grid is fully functional…. and the dollar is not collapsing. Enjoy the abundance . With any luck the DC slime will all be hung in 5 years or less. In the meantime,…. there are eggs and meat in the store, more food than you can eat.

  17. Where have all the normal people gone ???
    Gone to frequencies everyone. Gone to heavy metal everyone. Gone to mRNA everyone. Gone to mk ultra everyone. Gone to PFAS everyone. Long time passing. When will we ever learn ? When will we EVER learn?

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