Backyard Garden

Preparing for Deer Season: Property Clearing and Bow Hunting Prep

Welcome to our exciting journey as we gear up for our first-ever bowhunting experience right here in the beautiful landscapes of Tennessee. This hunting season, we’re ditching the firearms and opting for a more primal and immersive way of hunting – with recurve bows. Join us on this epic adventure as we prepare our old logging property for the upcoming white-tailed deer season.

In this video, we’ll take you through every step of the process, from clearing out the underbrush to creating strategic shooting lanes and establishing prime hunting spots. Our goal is to ensure a safe, ethical, and successful hunting season while embracing the challenges and rewards of traditional bowhunting.

As first-time bowhunters, we’ll share our excitement, anxieties, and preparations, providing insight into what it takes to become proficient with the recurve bow. From practicing our archery skills to honing our tracking and stealth techniques, we’re diving headfirst into the world of bowhunting.

Whether you’re an experienced hunter looking to try bowhunting or simply interested in the journey, our videos will offer valuable tips, strategies, and experiences from the field. Together, we’ll discover the wonders of Tennessee’s wilderness, respect the natural balance of wildlife, and foster a deep appreciation for ethical hunting practices. Stay tuned for more hunting adventures, tutorials, and tales from our hunting season right here on our channel!

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