Vegetable Gardening

What To Plant In August For Your Vegetable Garden Zone 7 ?

What To Plant In August For Your Vegetable Garden Zone 7 ? We share our six favorite crops to plant in August for Zone 7. These are carrots & cucumbers, plus lettuce & greens along with radish and bush beans.

Zone 7 has a long growing season so it is easy to extend your backyard garden production by sowing a fall garden. Watch this video for genuine, tried and true tips, for growing vegetables planted in August for Zone 7.

#zone7gardening #gardentips #gardengurus


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How We Grow Cherokee Purple Tomato Plants || Some How To Tips:

Jules and Chef Beth grow herbs, vegetables and fruits in a modestly sized backyard and share gardening tips as well as recipes based on home grown produce. Jules, aka Jamie, is a PhD Economist and applies his cost/benefit analysis and maximum output perspectives when appropriate. We garden in USDA Hardiness Zone 7 b.
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  1. Fantastic! I'm growing all that except for turnip greens. I don't have much luck with them. So far they get eaten as a sprout so, I gave up trying. Oh and provider beans. I still have Bush beans going.

  2. I've planted carrots, peas and I need to get more seeds this week for beets and turnips. Good info and update!

  3. I see you’ve been getting a bit of sun 🥵no doubt from working n your garden. I usually look the same Z Monday mornings 😄
    I’m in 8b/9a and I’ve just started more squash, tomatoes cucumbers and melons. Fingers crossed I get something. I’ve got at least 90 days before my first frost 🤞

  4. Nice variety! For the last couple of years here in zone 4a, I usually plant spinach and a a package on mixed variety of greens. But, I do have Cauliflower and Broccoli seeds from last year. So I 'm thinking of pushing the envelope this weekend in my little greenhouse. If I have time, great. If not, oh well lol. Take care my Friend!

  5. I am sadly reporting that my garden has grown over. I don’t have the time necessary to weed it like it should have been.
    Your doing a great job 👏🏻

  6. I have already planted beets, green beans, cucumbers, herbs, squash, and pepper for the greenhouse and tomatoes. I love provider bean it’s my favorite. . I love cosmic purple carrots. I still have kale to plant. I will be planting radish and lettuce, spinach carrots I have so much to plant. I a zone 7 also. Stay safe and blessed. Wendy🇺🇸🙏🏻🐞🦋

  7. Awesome trellis Jules! Yes I’ve seen that board method used before & it intrigues me!! Some great growing tips my friend & you’ve still got heaps of food going in yeeeew! 🙌🏼🥬🥒🥕

  8. Great video on what to plant this time of year! The boards over your carrot seeds is a nifty little tip you slipped in there.

  9. Looks like it was slightly on the warm side when you were shooting this. 😅 Good selection for fall there Jules. With you being in zone 7, you get maybe an extra month of growing in the fall (vs my location). I've just planted my carrots and I have some broccoli to transplant. I also have lettuce successions lined up.

  10. Hey Brother. Great mix there. Love the purple carrots. I dig the cucumbers. Not a big pickle fan though. Buttercrunch lettuce for the win. Good times. Thank you my friend. Sending you love. Peace, Love, Namaste, Laterrrrrrrrs

  11. being ever optimistic I did some late season planting. Here in zone 5B… I started more squash plants in the house a while ago. Put them out in the garden along with some bush green beans. I planted some beet seeds middle of August as well to see if anything is happening they are germinating but who knows… It all depends on the frost 🤞

  12. Jules, may I ask where you purchase your Wyatt Quarles seeds at and do I have to buy in mass? I'm just a home gardener.

  13. Great list. Great reminder. I love my butter crunch lettuce. Time to get it going again.

  14. Looks like a good line up! Experiment away!! I'm in 6a, guess I should have mine in ASAP! I'll probably try most of the ones you mentioned and maybe some turnips again. Maybe onions and garlic. We'll see.😁 Blessings!

  15. I tried beans in August for the first time last year and it worked out beautifully. Wonderful crop. I’m zone 9 but don’t get warm weather ever. My frost comes in mid Nov but all the warm weather plants die off on October since it hits below 50 consistently.
    I grow similar fall crops to you 😊

  16. Loving the Fall crop ideas Jules! I’ve got some seeds started indoors for the broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, cabbage, bunching onions, four lettuce varieties, celery and herbs. Also I’m planning on direct sewing later in the season some peas, burgundy noodle beans and Danver carrots. Still debating on giving big yellow and red onion bulbs a try for Fall planting to overwinter in Zone 7b. Any thoughts?

  17. We're adding a few more plants but we can't get away with some on your list up here in 4B. Looks like you've got a good plan for the fall! Cheers!

  18. Kale, broccoli, carrots ,lettuce and radishes are my go to fall crops trying cabbage this year as well.

  19. I've planted carrots, peas and I need to get more seeds this week for beets and turnips. Good info and update!

  20. My non-melinated brother you need to seriously look into some high SPF sunblock. I thought the kids played with the contrast of my tv when I first started this video. Skin cancer doesnt play.

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