Vegetable Gardening

MAY 2023 Full homestead vegetable garden tour — EVERYTHING has been planted!

Today I’ll be giving you a tour of our homestead vegetable garden in May 2023. We try to grow many of our own vegetables and we have a mix of in-ground and raised beds. We are located in Virginia, zone 7a.

April 2023 Garden Tour:

Our Etsy shop:
Follow us on Instagram: @groundedhaven
Support our channel by making a donation: PayPal.Me/groundedhaven

I get most of our bulk goods from Azure Standard:*

Organic fish fertilizer*:
– Garden Marker (lasts longer than Sharpie):
– Plant tags:
– Seed starting trays:

oh, the joy. – 1am in nyc –
oh, the joy. – 10am in tokyo –
oh, the joy. – 5am in cairo –
oh, the joy. – 12am in amsterdam –
oh, the joy. – 1pm in san francisco –

*These may be affiliate links where we earn a small commission on your purchase. This does not cost you anything extra, but supports our channel.

This video talks about: homesteading, gardening, vegetable garden, homestead vlog, organic, raised bed, chickens, permaculture, sustainability, self-sufficient, may 2023 tour


  1. Hi Michelle. I dont have green stalk but i have a vertical planter that I got from amazon. I also couldnt grow anything in it. I tried strawberries and leafy greens, all stunted. This year decided Im going to plant all flowers in my vertical planter particularly nasturtiums. Very low maintenance and all edible. Similar to what Becky did at acrehomestead.

  2. Love your garden. I harvested my garlic scapes this week💥 I haven’t seen any great produce growing in green stalks. For the price, I’m not convinced they are worth it.

  3. strings to support tomatoes, very interesting, never tried that, thanks for this video, really enjoyed it

  4. I noticed a lot of other people with green stalks have been planting flowers in them. I have a different brand vertical growing tower that’s similar and I grow cilantro and lettuce in it on my covered back porch. I tried strawberries in it one year and they were stunted

  5. I was really considering a greenstalk for my strawberry plants, again, I've seen other influencers showing great success. I'm having my strawberries being eaten by various bugs. Maybe I'll rethink spending so much money. Thank you for your opinion. And those few white radish were really pretty!

  6. I think you'd really have to keep the greenstalk fertilized regularly. I have been tempted several times, but haven't really seen the point of them when I have in ground/raised bed garden space.

  7. I've tried to grow strawberries in my green stalk for three years. They grow okay but I have few berries and the plants freeze and die every winter. I've had better luck with parsley which seem to thrive. This year I'm trying chard and kale.

  8. My Greenstalk hack is in the spring I unstack and plant out the pockets. I let everything grow for a month then stack them up. I get the best growth this way.

    I mainly grow flowers.

    It’s worth the time for me because I’m using them to grow in a narrow paved space along the side of our house.

  9. I am on the struggle bus with my green stalks. I bought two. The first year I assembled one and nothing did well. So I figured there was a learning curve? This year I have both assembled. I transplanted kale into the original. Nothing grew. It just sat there stunted. The second on I planted with seed and it thriving! So I do t know: still confused. Maybe seeds just do better in them?

  10. I love your simple cover for your brassicas. What a great idea to use the arched metal rods, with bug net over it. You have taught me several things I didn't know, including eating cabbage leaves. Your garden is amazing!

  11. “Brassacre” 😂 We’re in Virginia Zone 7a too! Your garden looks awesome! Really helpful to see how you cover your eggplants. Before you explained I thought, “why do her eggplants look so good?” Lol the flea beetles destroy mine every year

  12. I find gardens so amazing. The fact that these beautiful, lush plants start out as tiny seeds just boggles the mind. Thanks for the tour. I watched the June one earlier, so I wanted to go back and compare with this one. I look forward to seeing the progression next month.

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