@California Gardening

California Gardening: The First Time Gardener's Tomato – Juliet Tomato

Watch why the Juliet tomato is recommended by California Gardening as a tomato every first time gardener should grow. Also great for experienced gardeners due to the high yield tomatoes it produces. Excellent when eaten raw or cooked, has just the right amount of juice and meat for a lot of purposes.

The Juliet Roma Grape tomato is not only easy to grow but a very delicious tomato variety that you would want to grow again and again in your garden.

The Juliet Hybrid tomato can tolerate heat as well as cold. While other tomato varieties wilt and die, the Juliet keeps producing tomatoes. From the chill in January to the heat of august, the Juliet Hybrid tomato is one of the best varieties of tomatoes to grow in California.

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