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25 Unsolved Mysteries That Cannot Be Explained | Compilation

25 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained | compilation. Today, we take a look at these 25 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained.

25 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained | compilation. We take a look at these 25 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained | compilation.

It appears that the more we uncover, the less we know about the nature of our world. It seems like more and more mysterious events surface from all around that are more than just impossible to explain, they completely defy what we know to be possible within the realms of physics and science.

So today, here at unexplained mysteries, we take a look at these 25 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained.

Thank you for watching!

Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!


  1. I particularley enjoyed the piece about Nicola Tesla. I would enjoy future vids concerntrating on his varouse inventions. I appologise for my spelling mistakes as I am still relearning to write and speak better after having a stroke. There is so much to learn and so little time but thankyou.

  2. Freedom of information act, only the government has no intention of releasing information that may involve them in a criminal action and we are seeing this in today’s society.

  3. sorry to out the guy out if he's staying a Mystery, but is that the voice of Andrew Gold i hear doing the narration?

  4. My auto play got me while I was sleeping. I just woke up from the weirdest dreams ever. Honestly they were nightmares.interesting nonetheless!

  5. What the hell is wrong with some of these clips? I want to hear about the soldier's turned to stone and half of the clip is waisted talking about some bullshit freedom of speech or something about having the right to obtain some bullshit paperwork from the government. Like REALLY!!!

  6. Have you noticed that ufo’s were originally round in shape? Why do you think they are triangles now? I have a suggestion that these are man made and not true ufo’s.

  7. The Egyptians inherited the everything and have come up with a great lie to claim it was their ancestors who made it all. The civilization that was before the great flood are the ones who made everything with their knowledge that is similar to us in this age or they may have been even more advanced than we are now. And who’s to say that they were not the first great civilization to have existed before the flood? There is evidence that all the sand came from a sea or ocean that was there before the desert was.

  8. Anyone else notice that the lower end of the cylindrical falling object appears shaped like a human being and easily detected it's white???

  9. 46b is real I can't believe you guys don't know that and the lady in the church she was ghost I went to church with her

  10. Americans & Russians Must unite!
    Brothers in Arms!
    Together,we're unstoppable!
    It's the chicoms/N.korea who are true enemies!
    I say 🇺🇲💪🏻🇷🇺

  11. What is bad some people of faith uses our judicial system to trample over others Constitutional rights destroying their lives. Acting like they are above the law that kills, gets others to destroy their victims/targets just like dems. They gossip untruths organize/orchestrate criminal harm just to get you!!! Then not allow us to have legal help that is not criminals!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dems are monsters and people that do this are not Christians!!!!!!!!!! The real Christians are being attacked and hurt in some ways!!!!!!!!!!

  12. the "creature" is blurred in comparison to the ice bergs in the background of the next image where it is a few k.m. away but was crystal clear. That creature image is rubbish.

  13. I've watched dozens if not hundreds of these videos, but i've never heard of a single case in which the thermal imaging aircraft detected anything useful

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