Container Gardening

Root Maggots Caught on Camera Chewing Through My Cabbage

Here’s how to prevent root maggots, caught on camera destroying my cabbage.

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  1. I really appreciate this video! I am growing cabbages for the first time in our new Thane Community Garden in Juneau. I planted 3 cabbage plants. Two grew tall flowery stalks but no cabbage heads. The third grew a nice head, but just last week the leaves started turning grey and moldy in spots and I saw a 2” brown worm/caterpillar eating away inside the first layer of leaves. I was wondering if that was a root maggot, but based on your video, I don’t think it was. I harvested the plant, salvaged some nice inner leaves of the head, and did not put the plant in my compost pile. I’m not sure that last step was necessary. I love cabbage so will give it another try next year. Thanks for all your very informative videos.

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