Container Gardening

Container Size for Pepper Plants – Ideal Pot Size – Pepper Geek

In this video, I discuss the ideal container size for growing pepper plants. The topic is pretty basic, but we get asked this question A LOT, so we thought a video may be helpful to some newer growers.

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Read more about container sizes:

The Ideal Container Size For Pepper Plants

Product Links (affiliate links):

Fabric pots:
Grow Bags – 7 Gallon Colored Fabric Pots

Plastic pots:


0:00 – Intro
0:13 – What size pot for peppers?
0:48 – Container size by pepper species
3:28 – Fabric pots & container volume
4:29 – Tiny pots?
5:01 – Summary
6:02 – About the purple pepper plant

Check out farouche peppers on Instagram:

Thanks for watching Pepper Geek!

#peppers #growing #gardening #containers #peppergeek


  1. Here's a question: Will a pepper plant shoot roots from the stem if planted deeper in a new pot, like tomatoes? I've got some rather slender plants who needs bigger pots, and I wonder whether to cut away some leaves and top it with soil, or to place them on top of the new soil.

  2. I just want to put it out there I planted all my indoor peppers in 5 gallon buckets. If you do this be prepared for a potentially massive plant that may likely tip over. My ghost takes up half my living room.

  3. 1:35 I have 3 sizes of that exact pot, and after one growing season I've found that you were right about the 10 inch pots. You could do 8, but it has a massive effect on your plant size and harvest.

  4. For some the issue is the weight of the larger containers. They are not so easy to move around.

  5. Diameter 12 inch is OK, but how deep?
    I have rectangular pot 12 inches by 20 inches but only 7-8 inches deep.
    Can it suffice for one or two plants?

  6. What a great video! Thanks for all these information!
    If we had other questions can we send them on your instagram?

  7. Great video. How did the grow bags work out for you? I am thinking about getting some for this season. Thank you.

  8. So happy, literally just purchased those very pots , great star to my first pepper growing season . Thank you for all your info it's been great help in my pepper growing adventure

  9. I will be growing the peachadew pepper this year, however this is stated to be a capsicum baccatum, what kind of container size do I need for this type?

  10. I’ve always used 5 gallons and produced tons of peppers that lasted in my freezer for up to 1 year even after I have some away!
    By the way the variety I had was habernero and scotch bonnet.

  11. I'm planning to grow some peppers this year in 60-80l liter pots to see how big they could get
    Like 17 different varieties in maybe 30 pots, at least 10 will be occupied by jalapeno peppers because they are my favorite 😅

  12. So how did the grow bags work out in the end? I’m about to transplant to final containers and was considering those as well

  13. Just got some habanero peppers it's beginning of May it's hot till September 1so I got 4 months what size pot do you suggest I use

  14. If I put my jalapeño and cayenne peppers indoor over the winter, will they survive and when will they produce more peppers?

  15. Can you do an update on how you liked the fabric pots? I found them hard to water in but I learned from one of the previous videos on your channel I was probably letting the soil get too dry which led to hydrophobic soil. 😂

  16. This was super helpful, my Bell Peppers are ready to go into their final pots and I was very confused about what size pot to buy! Thanks from the UK (and our ridiculously short growing season 🤣) 🇬🇧

  17. THANK YOU,do you know how many videos by other youtubers I've watched to finally get the correct answers from you! Wish yours came up first!

  18. What is the update on the grow bags? First time growing sweet and hot peppers. My experience with growbags for tomatoes has been but very disappointing though i made sure to water every day.

  19. It's been years since I used 3 gallon pots. A few since I've used 5 gallon buckets. 15 gallon bags are my smallest now. 90% are chinense

  20. I 86ed the plastic pots years ago and now all about fabric. No question the yield is more and never get root bound. Yes, you have to water more, but if that's too much work, then maybe gardening is not for you😊

  21. With the idea that bigger must be better my husband planted 2 Bell Pepper plants per 10 gallon grow bags. We live in zone 5a, so a growing season of maybe 4 months. Aftter listening to your video i am wondering if planting in too big a bag negates it's root pruning benefit as the roots are unlikely to grow out that far?
    Other disadvantages of too big a bag?

  22. Ive been using the bags for a while now. A few things to know about the bags – Need to water a little more often or longer to ensure even watering due to them drying out faster than other style pots – The roots will not go thru the bags – its good to put them on something that puts air around the entire bag to allow for good drainage and air flow, an upside-down crate is perfect – they are easy to move and I use a few indoors for year round tomatoes.

  23. I definitely love this video. Unfortunately being on a very very small budget i got some decent sized pots but had to settle with dirt, not soil, not even close, but dirt from my yard for all of my plants. Most of them are doing great despite that but im bargain shopping for soil. Anyway i always appreciate ur videos man and keep em comin

  24. Can I use a small 1 gallon container throughout the winter and then plant in the ground without issue or will it be stunted?

  25. I can tell you from experience that those fabric grow bags are fantastic for zucchini and yellow squash. They drain amazingly well so I would imagine they'd be great for peppers that require good drainage.

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