Container Gardening


I was given a free container this week it had daffodils in it , so I planted them out in the garden to reuse the tub. It’s getting warmer now , so time to ready my containers for summer. I plant out my melon and bulb fennel seedlings. Along with geranium cuttings and the trailing begonias I got reduced last week…trying to avoid the ants running up my arms !
All done , I’m keeping a few melon seedlings indoors to grow on.
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Take care 🙋‍♀️
#containergardening #costoflivingcrisis #ukpreppers


  1. Hi, great to see plants thriving in the sun. Scored some XL Panama passionfruit this week for 50 cents or about 26 p. They were delicious. We are nearly in mid winter so it is weird to get fresh passionfruit from Queensland Australia but they don't get cold winters up north. Funny, it is the one country. I'm rugged up in coats in Canberra and my sister in Queensland is in shorts and tee shirt. But I couldn't live in Queensland as it is tropical hot sticky muggy in summer and you spend your life having showers to remove the stickiness. Looks like it's hot in UK. Take care too Jill, Belinda😊😊

  2. Finally got the chance to plant my tomato plants … it's not summer to me without home-grown tomatoes ! Very warm here now , just in time for our Memorial Day celebration this coming weekend . Hope your sunny days continue !

  3. Looks quite simple to grow the melon. I will try myself or should I wait to next year now? Do u need to plant them early?

  4. Hello! Hope Norman heals up good as new. Thats what i thought when i saw how many plants were eaten was deer. Hope it all gets worked out.👍😀

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