Vegetable Gardening

I keep expanding my Backyard Garden !! 😁🌱 #gardening #garden #viral

I expand my outdoor backyard vegetable garden, maybe four to five times every year at least one time I expanded making it a bigger space to garden..

backyard home vegetables are the best way to eat healthy. save money..

#vegetablegardening #veggiegarden #gardening


  1. Wow, that is awesome! We did the same thing. Every year we add something else. No greenhouse though. YetπŸ˜‚. Hoping to get a new shed and use the roof for water catchment system next year. Gardens eh? The tend to grow on youβ€πŸ˜‚

  2. Addicted much? LOL I would do the same if I would have just 1 successful season. Im the worst gardener I've ever heard of! Two years I've had to throw my container soil away.. Late blight this year.

  3. YAY!!!!!!! A garden is ever-evolving! (especially when you know what you're doing)
    You're a blessing, and a God send.
    Thank you for sharing. You're appreciated!❀

  4. GreenT, you’ve challenged all of us to grow food and enjoy the fruits of our gardens. Thank you for your continuous encouragement.
    Once you start planting, you can’t stop! It’s addictive!
    I buy beautiful soil and mulch by the yard from my local landscape supply yard.
    I put a large tarp down in my driveway and they deliver it right to my house.
    I haven’t seen my driveway all summer, but my yard and food garden look fantastic!
    Now that Autumn is here, it’s almost time to cut back Raspberry bushes and other flowering plants. They will get a blanket of mulch for the winter.
    The work never ends, but it’s so satisfying.

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