@California Gardening

California Gardening: Superfoods : How To Grow Red Amaranth – Amaranthus

Leran how to grow Amaranth in today’s epsiode. Amaranthus, collectively known as amaranth, is a cosmopolitan genus of annual or short-lived perennial plants. Red Amaranthus leaves are delicious and Amaranth grains are gluten free as well.

Even though Amaranth is gaining popularity, many people are still confused about how to include it in their daily diet. The more obvious ways are – Using the grains to making breads and muffins or picking the leaves to make soup, salad or vegetables. Here are a few more interesting ways in which you can incorporate amaranth into your diet.

We look at how to grow amaranth or amaranthus from seeds, how to care for your amaranthus plant and how to harvest it to prepare delicious recipes!

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