Backyard Garden

#garden Zones 8-11: Time to transplant #squash #gardeningtips #backyardgardening #homegardening

South USA Garden Zones 8-11 – Time to transplant zucchini and other types of squash to harvest before your first winter frost. Focus on cultivars that are early maturing, like grey zucchini which is ready in about 55 days or early white patty pan squash which is ready in about 60 days. It is too late to just start sowing seeds which is why I say transplant only. Put some kind of fertilizer in the planting hole to give it a head start.

Check out my September Monthly Goring Guide on my YouTube channel for the full list of everything you can either start from seed or transplant right now.

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#zucchini #squash #vegetablegarden #fallgarden #september #zone9 #zone8 #zone10 #zone11 #floridagarden #gardeninspiration #homegrown #gardeningtips


  1. Hi Jerra, unrelated question. I’m in zone 9B too. Been growing a lot of peppers and since the hurricane passed by my plants are in poor shape. Looks like whitefly’s are the culprit. What do you suggest, as I’d like to not want to resort to nonorganic methods. Thanks 😊

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