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Richard Grannon – Narcissism | Codependency | Complex PTSD | CPTSD | Boarding School | AEM #73

Richard Grannon – Narcissism | Codependency | Complex PTSD | CPTSD | Boarding School | AEM #73

Richard Grannon shares today about narcissism, codependency and his experiences growing up in Portugal and then in boarding school.

How was it for him?

He also talks about his experiences of martial arts and what he learned from training in different martial forms.

He talks about narcissism, codependency, and complex PTSD.

He also shares about 1984 and some of the psychology of that story.

A really fascinating episode, thank you Richard.

Richard Grannon is a leading author and one of the internet’s leading teachers about narcissism and codependency with over 70 million views on YouTube and 500,000 subscribers.

He is passionate about helping others defend themselves, get back on their feet, and finally free themselves from narcissistic abuse.

Drawing on numerous forms of psychotherapy, including NLP, cognitive behavioral therapy, zen meditation, psychodynamics, and more, Grannon’s unique methodology offers a direct, practical solution to help narcissistic abuse victims reclaim their self-worth.

He is the author of the book, A Cult of One.

Some areas to explore:

1. I would love for you to share how you got into the work that you now do?
2. Could you please introduce narcissism and codependency? What are they and how do they show up in people and relationships? (P.14)
3. What are some of the symptoms of narcissism? (P.78)
4. Other areas for exploration:
1. Your boarding school experiences and how it impacted you.
2. Boarding schools and narcissism
3. Narcissism and our leaders
4. Consumer capitalism and how it teaches us greed and immaturity (P.82)
5. The psychology of combatives and martial arts – what did martial arts teach you
6. People pleasers and the 15 traits (P. 63)
7. The Golden Child (can do no wrong) / Black Sheep (“who cannot do anything right” (P.66)
8. The difference between PTSD and Complex PTSD
9. NPD “It was seen as excessive self-admiration rooted in a failure to develop feelings of love outwards in childhood.”) P.66)
10. Narcissistic abuse
5. How do people find out more about your work?

#narcissism #narcissisticabuse #codependency #trauma #boardingschool

To reach out to Richard please visit her website: https://www.richardgrannon.com/
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/richard.grannon.spartanlifecoach
On Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrannonRichard
To buy his books please visit: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cult-One-Deprogram-Yourself-Narcissistic/dp/B0BSGCR6XR/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=richard+grannon+books&qid=1689696550&sprefix=richard+gr%2Caps%2C221&sr=8-1

Piers is an author and a men’s transformational coach and therapist who works mainly with trauma, boarding school issues, addictions and relationship problems. He also runs online men’s groups, retreats and a podcast called An Evolving Man. He is also the author of How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times.

To purchase Piers first book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Survive-Thrive-Challenging-Times/dp/B088T5L251/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=piers+cross&qid=1609869608&sr=8-1
For more videos please visit: http://youtube.com/pierscross
For FB: https://www.facebook.com/pierscrosspublic
For Piers’ website and a free training How To Find Peace In Everyday Life: https://www.piers-cross.com/community
Many blessings,

Piers Cross


  1. Come on guys, have more planned interviews please! Have your questions ready, good questions, not just jumping from one place to another chat! Sorry 18 minutes wasted so far

  2. An incredible interview! Very well done – well organized, educational and informative. The mention of Iron Sights brought me back to a memory of Camp Pendleton as a teenager. The description of how the different types of bullets penetrate & wound the body was a perfect analogy of how our emotional and spiritual bodies get auric fissures with PTSD and CPTSD.

  3. Thank you so much! You might want to listen to some really nice music while sitting on your bench… So here is one beautiful song by the Avett Brothers: https://youtu.be/bS40Q2IOp8Q
    What I like most about Richard Grannon is that he always tells people that you need a philosophy of life.

    Please keep up the good work (if you're so inclined).

  4. Amazing conversation. Piers Cross has such a sweet spirit and exudes peace. I learned so much watching this.

    “Angering” mirrors a spiritual method that western Christian religions teach. It’s where a person speaks the truth of the word of God over the lie of the inner critic. For instance if the lie is “you’re a worthless piece of crap”, one would speak the truth of the Bible that God speaks over us such as 2 Peter 2:9: you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, called out of darkness, into His marvelous light. Speaking the scriptures over myself has been amazing for my own healing of the inner critic.

  5. Thank you for this conversation. ❤️☯️💪🔥
    It triggered a beating I took at 7 years old from my step dad, that I had not really looked at the severity of, overly seriously before. I just registered it, and let it sit there all my life. The reality that I was almost literally beaten to death, but I still refused to comply and admit to some thing I didn’t do, at such a young age, helps me understand a lot about my self as an adult. The reality, and flash back of me being such a tiny little girl, and I just gave in to it and had accepted my fate of death because I was beaten for so long with a belt, that I was exhausted and couldn’t cry any more in that moment, hit me hard while listening to this today, for some reason. I believe I have cried and grieved for that little girl before, thanks to you Richard. But for some reason the cry was extra hard today. That poor little girl. I’m angry as an adult, for her, I think. Looking back now I can’t believe any one would do that to some one, but I realize that I was beaten that severely because the beating prior, when mom wasn’t home, I was told to pull my pants down and bend over the bed for my lickin with the belt, but I said no. Twice. He made me look at him and say no, a second time. I was 7, and my bedroom was moved to the basement with the boys right after that. The next time I got a beating, I was beaten to the point of exhaustion and not even having the energy to cry any more. I remember I was soaked in sweat, and begging him to stop, and he still didn’t. I have no idea where my mom was when he did that. I remember him continuing to beat me even after I couldn’t cry any more, and was just laying there in exhaustion. He seriously just kept wiping me with that belt.
    I wonder now, what happened to him when he was a kid, that he would do that to such a tiny little girl. I know as an adult, he almost killed me.

    Thank you for helping trigger all this gross childhood shit, so I can finally just get it all out and register it for what it actually was, so it registers properly, so I can grieve, and let it go….Instead of trying to just ignore it and leave it in the past, like I have for a large part of my adult life.
    The time I was almost beaten to death when I was 7, by a father figure that wanted to see my bare bum, and I told no……I keep forgetting how tough, and bad ass I used to be 😉💪🔥
    I adore you for reminding me constantly 🥰 thank you so much darling ❤️☯️🖖☮️🦋

    You described my life now…I live and sit with it all, in silence.
    My home, my retreat, is the only safe silent place left on the planet..I think lol

  6. Fascinating he has not experienced any narcissistic abuse or if he has he does not want to talk about it ….regardless Great interview thank you piers you are a sweet soul

  7. The yong yang is similar to Christianity in that you cast out thoughts from the devil and reaffirm the Fathers love ❤

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