@Garden Answer

Garden Answer Highlights: Why Are You Not Using An Auger? // How are the Avocado Trees Doing? // Recap 🌿

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  1. I don’t live in your area- I’m in Georgia but I don’t think you have enough property for livestock without supplementing their feed – here you would have a dry lot situation rather quickly.

  2. OH … MY … GOSH! Queue the tears … AGAIN! What is it with THAT particular song that drives me to tears?!? It needs to be part of a soundtrack to some romantic movie!

  3. You definitely can divide hibiscus. I’ve done it several times and shared them. They’re difficult to dud though.

  4. Yep, our well is nearly 400 feet deep. Oh and don’t want to forget to wish you so blessed 17th Anniversary!

  5. I ordered Proven Winners potting soil and noticed the cardboard boxes had wording on the outside that they would decompose. I used them to start a new flower bed, covering the existing grass.

  6. I really enjoy your garden tours and I watch them many times over. 😊
    When I was growing up we had a wonderful Cairn Terrier, Ghillie McTavish. He dug a bunch of holes in the lawn going after voles. Ghillie eventually eradicated them but in the meantime my Dad was so mad trying to keep the yard nice. Dogs will do what they are bred to do…

  7. 😄When have we heard those words before Laura? … “There’s no rush to do anything out there” (in reference to the dirt land). And now look at the South Garden, a stunning space in what, 3 years?? 😄

  8. I think if u didn’t “ work at home” you would have a dog as a pet! We were spoiled by having a very bright rescue as our first dog and he was the best for 17 yrs ! My garden never really suffered at all !

  9. Black widows control? Can you hand squish (with gloves of course) the spiders and remove their nests?

  10. Hi Laura and Aaron 👋 I have an idea… build the barn WITH A SMALL GUEST SUITE and you can live there while you renovate the main house!!!!

  11. Greenstalks won't water correctly if not level, your viewer that commented that all pockets did not water, that may be the issue.

  12. I love using cardboard, newspapers, and recycling paper for a layer on the soil all around the plants and then mulch on top in all garden beds. Every other year. There are tons of worms and rarely need to weed.

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