Gardening Trends

Most Amazing Way to Reuse Plastic bottles/100 Ideas Planters/Recycle bottles/hanging plant pots

land of ideas
Indoor Plants You Can Grow in Jars and Bottles
Herbs. Herbs like basil, parsley, oregano, chives, dill, cilantro, thyme, mint, and watercress can be grown in mason jars and glass bottles easily. …
Pothos. Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum. …
English Ivy. …
Wandering Jew. …
Watch Chain Plant. …
House Holly Fern. …
Cactus. …
Aloe Vera.
The most common bottle garden design entails putting Coke bottles or any other PET bottle around the garden’s surrounding walls. Fill these bottle-pots with gorgeous flower plants or creepers for lush foliage on the walls. If you want to be creative with your bottle garden ideas, you may use plastic bottles to create a whole wall for your garden. Fill each bottle with soil and plant various plants to decorate the garden.
Lastly, the easiest way to decorate a plastic bottle flower pot is by using bright monochrome paint. Use any shade that exudes a cheerful and positive vibe, like canary yellow, mint green, or ocean blue. Paint the entire bottle with the chosen color, place it on any garden or indoor furniture, and you are all set.

#cactus s

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