
Flowers, flower beds, flower garden, flower pots! 255 beautiful ideas!

Flowers, flower beds, flower garden, flower pots! 255 beautiful ideas!

00:00 Flowers and flower beds in the front garden
03:48 Flower beds, ideas for inspiration
08:28 Multi-level flower beds, real-life examples
14:07 Vertical flower beds, ideas for saving space
19:34 Flower boxes in the garden

This video is educational in nature! Author of the channel “100 ideas!” demonstrates the ideas of landscape design of the garden and the infield and explains their advantages.
We have made significant changes to our content using the Movavi Video Suite 18 video editor, edited several ideas (images) in a certain order to reveal the creative intent of the video creator, and added an audio track with our instructions and free YouTube music.



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  2. Imi place foarte mult ceea ce vad dar imi pare rau că nu inteleg ce spuneti ! Ati putea sa traduceti si in limba romana?

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