@Epic Gardening

Epic Gardening: I've Been Trying to Get This Plant for a YEAR! Rare Houseplant Unboxing

I got an EPIC plant haul from Josh’s Frogs, who I’ve gotten houseplants from in the past. But this time…something was different. Inside this box was a houseplant I’ve been trying to get my hands on for at LEAST year.

Full plant list from Josh’s Frogs:

Cryptanthus bivittatus ‘Ruby’
Rhipsalis ‘Venezuela’
Anthurium ‘Oaxaca’
Aglaonema ‘Favonian’
Aglaonema ‘Siam Queen’
Oxalis Triangularis ‘Ebony Allure’
Dischidia ‘White Diamond’
Asarum Maximum ‘Ling Ling’ ‘Panda Face Ginger’
Epipremnum Pinnatum ‘Cebu Blue’


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All plants are from https://www.joshsfrogs.com/ and you can use code ‘epicgardening’ for 15% off of everything in their store!


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