Garden Plans

ABANDONED house clean up | part 1 – WET and OVERGROWN front yard.

Hello everyone,

First up, I’d love your feedback on the new intro to my video. I think moving forward I will start each project/video like this.

Welcome to the beginning of a new project. I imagine this one will take 2 or 3 visits depending on how much of the backyard the owner wishes to be cleared.

Today’s job was to get the front yard back to presentable as it was definitely an eyesore for the street, I maintain a couple of properties only a few houses down from this one and it really looked out of place.

The owner of this property used to be a client of mine but was planning on demolishing the place to rebuild townhouses instead. I believe those plans were changed and now he would like it tidied up to have new tenants living there. Initially he mentioned he only wanted what was along the fence line to be cleared as the fence is fairly new, but I will speak to him about also getting the big clump of mess in the middle cut down too as it looks pretty ordinary.

This job is being done at a low cost to the owner. The labour will be discounted but the tip fees will be charged at their full cost. I am able to do so thanks to money made from YouTube advertising and the Buy Me A Coffee page I have created, the link to which you can find below:

Thanks everyone and I hope you enjoy this one!


  1. Great intro, Ryan! Very soothing narration voice. Love it! And as always, stellar job with the cleanup! 😊👍

  2. Thank you for the intro. If you want to do this regularly, is it possible to get a microphone?
    The house looks pretty solid and in good condition, why knock it down? I guess building material prices have increased in Australia, too, so the demoltion and rebuild has been cancelled?

  3. Excellent job, Ryan! Looking forward to more like it! By the way, what happened to the many multiple part project … I think the last one was number 11 or 12? Keep up the good work! Oh, loved the intro to this video. It’s always good to know the background. And you are a very handsome guy! Ah, to be young and living in Aussie land!

  4. Beautiful job, Ryan. Looking forward to seeing what you uncover in the back yard when you come back. Enjoy your time with your kids!

  5. Really nice job. Even with the wet ground and those weed clumps, it really looks good. Looking forward to the next episode. Have a great time with the family, and maybe get some rest while you’re at it. We’ll miss you. ❤️

  6. Good job! Magpie approves! I hope the owner decides to let you fully take care of the back yard. Enjoy your family time! We'll see you when you are ready.

  7. Thanks Ryan for the experience, you do a great job. Nice to see the person behind the camera. 👍👍😊😎

  8. Oh my yes … the new intro suits me to a tee. Suits you, too! Really enjoy the "walk & talk" format because I learn so much more when the little details are pointed out … like "tufts". As it is, this American is getting purty good at recognizing kukuyu grass these days … and I would say the lawn in today's video was NOT that. No runners. And if it had been kukuyu, it would have swallowed the entire sidewalk and half the driveway by now! Anyway, enjoy your time off, Ryan. We'll all be here, rarin' to go on another yard adventure, when you get back!

  9. lovely job as always. Unless the inside is completely trashed, I can't imagine knocking down that house. I'm glad they decided not to do that.

  10. Ahoj Riane, ty si snad vybírás ty nejhorší trávníky v celém širokém okolí? 😅. Myslela jsem si že to ani sekačkou nepůjde, ale ty jsi velmi dobrý a šikovný! Teď je to tam moc hezké, majitelé musí mít radost. Držím ti palce! 🏆🏅💯👏👍🌿🥰

  11. Great job as always 👏 the owner may consider to power wash the property. The concrete is pretty dirty. Can't wait to see the next one 😊

  12. Great job. Like the new intro. Enjoy your kids, see you in the next couple of weeks. Keep on keeping on Ryan 😊

  13. Looks great… The honda certainly proved itself 🎉 … As always a wonderful job and i loved ghd intro

  14. You are a true “gardener”! You pull weeds and grass out of beds… enjoy watching your work! Meticulous! Wish you could make arrangements with the city, town, county or state entity that would work out an agreement to do curbside pickup of the rubbish needing removal from these properties! Or, give you free pass to dump sites to dispose of the clippings, tree and shrub trimmings and garbage and junk that is unusable stuff due to rot and ruin from being left out in the elements!
    You should remove rocks, bricks and cement block that are not supportive of keeping an easy to care for yard!!! They are usually left over long ago from the property’s construction or a former occupant’s idea for landscaping that is not practical nor attractive! Get the yard so that all obstacles are gone should there be need of another overgrown mow. YOU invest the labor that YouTube compensates for and the government entity that benefits from a well-keep landscape/yard through keeping up the property values for tax purposes that fund the entity government!!!!
    That’s a WIN-WIN 😊

  15. 💜
    Liked your new intro! You have a pleasant voice.
    A mower with a side discharge option is nice to have. I can discharge the long grass into somewhat piles and have minimal raking.

    Enjoy your family time!!!

  16. Ton intro devait être très bien mais je n'ai rien compris, il n'y avait pas de sous titre :))) Mais j'ai pu traduire la description. C'est parti pour un nouveau feuilleton, c'est nickel devant maintenant. Merci, à bientôt 🙂

  17. Love the intro! Its always nice to hear the back story and it's nice to see your wonderful face! 🙂

  18. When you’re mowing, why do you have to go back & forth so many times??? The grass looks like it’s already cut. Thanks.

  19. Nice intro, Ryan. Always nice to see ya! That lawnmower ate those tufts like they were nothin! CUTE magpie! First time I've seen one. Near the beginning of the video, there was a large bird walking on the street. What kind of bird was that? 🦤

  20. I like the intro. You are very soft spoken, maybe at another time you will have a microphone.
    Do enjoy time with the family. Does the heart good.

  21. Hi Ryan. I'd love to know what your intro says. Unfortunately, I need Closed Captioning to do so. Is there any chance you could include it in all of your videos? Thank you!

  22. Another fantastic job, Ryan! I love that you bag up and remove the debris as it makes all the difference in the end. Your eye for detail is superb!

    Mowing that thick damp grass can't have been easy, yet you always make it look like just another day at the office, so to speak. At least there didn't look as though there was any kikuyu in at, or at least very little.

    The new intro is a great idea, and I hope you keep it! It's so good to know what the story is, and how you're thinking about getting the job done, even if you have to change the plan sometimes.

    Have a wonderful holiday with your family and enjoy whatever rest you end up getting (you know how THAT turns out with kids in the mix! 😂). Catch you next time! Cheers, Fi, Brighton, UK

  23. Great new project. And I love the intro, it's always nice to see more of you. Enjoy your vacation and don't think about grass or YouTube at all!! 😊

  24. Fantastic job as always! It looks so nice now! You always make sure you give it 100%!

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