Edible Gardening

Sunny entry garden tour + raised veg garden

In the final detailed garden tour of this series, we’re taking a look at the entry garden. This area was originally planted in 2020 and got a bit of a revamp this year. I’m really happy with how it’s looking now.

We’re also taking a look at the rather tired vegetable garden.


Catch up on previous tour segments:
🌿 Made in the shade garden: https://youtu.be/R0m61cXTRkk
🌿 Looser, more natural gardens: https://youtu.be/esKopWJSsoA
🌿 Flowers everywhere: circle garden, skinny patio bed: https://youtu.be/9Sccl_BUUfw
🌿 Reimagined side garden tour: https://youtu.be/g9hkMDX7IUs
🌿 Detailed patio tour: https://youtu.be/O0WOz6CbmdM

Other videos mentioned in this video:
🌿 How I built my raised bed garden: https://youtu.be/4VNquAHEmIk
🌿 All about my stock tank pond: https://youtu.be/7KwL0gK7008

My name is Erin and I love sharing inspiration and information with real-life gardeners. I live and garden in southeastern Wisconsin, zone 5b.

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📩 erin@theimpatientgardener.com

Send me a postcard from a favorite garden and tell me what inspired you. I’m sharing them all the Q&A videos:
The Impatient Gardener
P.O. Box 99
Belgium, WI 53004

Some affiliate links may appear. I may make a small commission if you purchase through these links. Thanks for your support. You can see all my favorite products on my Amazon storefront at https://www.amazon.com/shop/impatientgardener

Music in my videos from: http://bit.ly/39wBm5f

Mail to:
The Impatient Gardener
P.O. Box 99
Belgium, WI 53004

125 E. Main St.
Port Washington, WI 53074


  1. I have really learned a lot from these tours. I love that you discuss remedies, ideas for change , etc. Just an idea : I think that your mystery squash looks like a golden acorn

  2. Squash vine borer! They hit cup my cukes this year because I forgot to put a little tin foil collar on each of the plants! It has worked well in the past!

  3. Erin, another YouTuber from the Carolinas recommended CALIMA Green Beans. We grow in raised beds, too. Prior we relied on Blue Lake but when Jess said these are outstanding – we couldn't agree MORE!! The pods stay very slim, never develop enlarged seeds and the pods grew to a minimum of 8" – 10" long. OUTSTANDING! We do pick every 3 days. My only fear is that many others will now order these and I'll have difficulty finding the seed in the late Winter… EDIT: I have a seed packet of Scabiosa Stellata '.Paper Moon' sitting here on the desk – next year's flowers. Thx for the recommendation.

  4. These garden tours have been really nice, Erin. I very much enjoyed them. Squirrels are the the worst. I put wood skewers in my potted plants and hanging baskets….point end out to keep them from burying peanuts (which a neighbor feeds to them…she puts cat food out for the skunks too). Also, I use the black bird netting around some pots and vegetables. They hate it. You might try using some of that over your apples…..bunching it up so it’s a little thick….they’ll ear through the holes if you stretch it out. If you’ve ever used it you know how nasty it is. Everything gets tangled in it. I roll it up and clip to the edge of the pots with clothespins or those little green clips. They don’t like the smell of mint. Vicks Vaporub is good to keep them away, but you have to keep applying it. Good luck. I’ve also seen that some people use baking soda and flour in equal amounts. That’s supposed to work on rodents. Someone referred to them as rats with a pretty tail. Quite true. Very troublesome critters.

  5. I got tired of changing out the potting soil in my containers so this year I fed the soil instead, aka No Dig/Charles Dowding style, and that seemed to work well to grow big healthy plants. I liked not having to get rid of the used soil. I love the look of your vegetable garden! The raised beds and gate are very attractive. I really enjoy your channel.

  6. Hey, Erin! You mentioned that Serendipity Allium doesn't hold its color as well as some others. Can you name a few of your favorite summer blooming allium varieties? I've been eyeing Serendipity for next year.

  7. That was a great tour! I enjoyed the whole bit and your veggie garden is awesome! I can see it was prolific, hey, we are all experiencing the frazzled plants at this point in our gardens😉

  8. Erin,
    I have multiple, very large oaks in my yard, but the dropping acorns are nothing compared w/ the much denser nuts of the large hickory trees situated over my patio–ouch! 😬😉

  9. Too bad you couldn’t catch all those acorns. Build a bonfire and throw them in. I can picture the squirrels looking in horror. I know devious. Just a funny thought. Especially, after prepackaging the apples for them.

  10. Our neighbors have a beautiful Shagbark Hickory along our property line and the squirrels are dropping them like missiles; am considering getting some protective headgear. Great tour, love this series, always taking notes…you know the plants!

  11. Everything looks so good and love the intro behind the beautiful half moon gate. To my surprise you showed your Boneset! I lost all 3 of my Fairy tails bride cascading hydrangeas in a pot over winter. Found a healthy sprout of something in one pot so I planted it and turned out to be a boneset which is blooming now and full of tiny pollinators. I think it must have hopped in from one of PW locations as it is not found here in MS 7b.

  12. Glad I’m not the only one is losing a war to squirrels. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Mine are very selective and leave the tomatoes alone but the lettuce rarely survives.

  13. So agree – gardening is what it is in this year and the conditions you were dealing with! Gotta appreciate all of it, year in, year out bc that’s what it is!!

  14. I love your sense of humor as much as I love your gardening. Thank you for both. Wish I was your neighbor, but then again probably get more exposure to you virtually.

  15. Amazon sells gossamer/mesh bags, in different sizes. I cover my fruit with them, here in Tucson, so I don’t lose the fruit to chipmunks and ground squirrels. Maybe it can help you with the pears? Good luck! Juli 🌵🌵🌵🌵

  16. Wonderful tour. Thank you! Love that you add labels for plants so we can look them up. The fenced garden is an inspiration. Those gates! We have pear, apple, cherry, peach, and mulberry trees that fruit well, but we don’t get a single fruit because squirrels steal all!

  17. How do you keep fennel standing up so nice and straight?? Seems they're not staked? Mine always flop due to rain or wind.

  18. The driveway garden is my favorite. Just beautiful. Love the vegetable garden. Wish it was mine. The squirrels are another story. The way things are going we might need them for food. Lol. Thanks for the great video.

  19. I love that you're an 11 year old boy! I often tap into my inner 12 year old boy 😀 I love your videos and authenticity. Your property is gorgeous. Regarding the caryopteris > at the time of day you showed this plant it seemed to be in shade. Caryopteris is one of my favorite shrubs and blooms like mad in full sun in late August/early September in Virginia zone 7A. Perhaps consider moving it if it isn't in full sun.

  20. Erin,
    Feeding your fish won't keep them from eating mosquito larvae. Mosquito larvae are are the aquatic equivalent to filet mignon for fish, so they'll definitely eat them 1st. 😉
    As to feeding, I know most fish food directions say feed as much as they can eat in 5-minutes. Problem is, fish food companies are out to sell their product & fish can consume an awful lot of food in 5-minutes. Remember, what goes in must come out…in the form of waste, which can lead to increased algae.
    If you remember this little factoid, you'll have a better idea how much to feed: for the majority of fish species, their stomach is about the size of their eye, therefore, a better option is to feed only as much as they can gobble down in 30-seconds, perhaps even less. Also, skipping feeding a day or 2 every week will help clean their guts out, which leads to better fish health.
    Finally, always choose a good quality food brand. Just as you would for your beloved furbaby, read the ingredients label & choose those w/out soy, wheat, & similar fillers. Also, while your minnows eat meatier foods in nature, goldfish do not, therefore, opt for foods w/ high levels of veggie matter, plus spirulina, rather than a basic tropical formula. This won't hurt the minnows, but will keep the digestive system of the goldfish operating in peak condition.
    Happy fishkeeping! 😊

  21. My squirrels like to dig in my mulch, pots, raised beds etc. Also the chipmunks like to dig and plant sunflower seeds just so they can eat them before you can enjoy the flowers. So I have given up on planting sunflowers. 🐿️

  22. Love the in depth garden tours. The entrance driveway garden has a lot of interest. I like the bank of Iris idea, that will be beautiful. So I've heard a couple more people talk about acorns this year…hard winter to come? 🙂 That Thai tower looked wonderful, I will have to try. I just discovered Boxwood Basil this year and it is so cute 🙂

  23. I planted my cherry tomato plant outside my back door also. I saw the green fruit on it one day, and the next, they were gone. Couldn’t figure out what was happening until one day I was outside. I looked over at my golden retriever and he was eating them. Needless to say, he got more of them than I did!🤣🤣🤣

  24. Loving your garden tour series. I know between working outside the home and the size of your property (I live in a cluster home community, but have had a treMENdous pollinator year!!! They call me Martha Stewart in this next of the woods), it would be hard to do a weekly walk-about (en-hem, no pressure). Also, seriously having Wine & Weeds withdrawl…😒

  25. I've had the worst year yet with squirrels, and I feel so helpsless! I bagged strawberries and they ripped them off and chewed holes in them to get that one perfect bite of the perfect strawberry and moved on to the next one. Gah! If you hear of a good idea how to minimize their destruction, please pass it on!! I'm ready to live trap them and take them far far away. 😂 sorry for this long comment, I just need to vent. Our daughter is getting married in our backyard in 2 weeks, and I had planned this beautiful garden with gorgeous sunflowers (based on the incredible success I had last year). Those squirrels attacked and mutilated a majority of the sunflowersball season long from seedling stage to 12 ft tall with massive heads, and the worst part was, they never actually ate them! 😢 It seemed so vengeful. Thanks for listening…btw. I hate squirrels. 🫣🙄🥴

  26. Do you get your plants from Steinies water gardens? I work there over summer and your description sounds like them!

  27. Way to keep our collective flame alive! It’s going to be garden bedtime soon here in zone 3b, but I’m already jonesing for spring! Great video! Cheers! ❤

  28. Thank you so much for the WONDERFUL tours! I love watching your videos. It feels like I'm walking through a garden with a friend 😊

  29. Those cosmos in the vegetable garden are gorgeous! My experiment this year was onions and almost all of them rotted!

  30. Erin – looks like you don’t remove suckers or lower leaves on your tomatoes!

    Interested in your thoughts on this. Is it because the dwarf varieties behave more like determinate varieties?

    Forgive me if you covered this before

  31. I grew Midnight Snack tomato if you want a beautiful, glossy, dark-topped cherry tomato. High ornamental value I planted through my perennial beds

  32. Family Jewels was a new to me name. 🤣
    What a wonderful gardening season you’ve had.
    Thanks for giving me so many new plants to investigate!

  33. Great tour! I love your garden, especially how you intermingle plants. Regarding squirrels, I guess that’s why I’ve seen full garden plot enclosures. Not sure if you’re able to “build up.” Electric fence?? Razor wire like a penitentiary?? We have raccoons that like to snack on our fruit, or skunks, not sure which. Do skunks climb trees? There’s always something to battle.🐿🦝

  34. Love your gardens so much. I learn fom you every video. I also have the Sedum Carl, because it is my sons name. Being in France you don't see Carl very often. Love it too. Xx

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