@Epic Gardening

Epic Gardening: Building a Stackable DIY Worm Farm for $30 πŸ›

In my last video on vermicomposting, I went through a simple setup of a single-tote worm bin from Uncle Jim’s Worm Farm. Pretty soon, that bin was full and it was time to redesign the system to be more scalable and easier to work with.

A 3-tote stackable system has a few advantages:

– Bottom tote can be used for drainage of worm juice
– Middle and top bins can be swapped out infinitely
– Worms will self-separate from castings, making harvesting castings easy
– Can hold way more food scraps and worms

Overall, a stackable system is simply better than a single-tote system. This video goes through exactly how to build one, with a few modifications that I made note of in the video. There are probably more ways to improve upon this design as well, so let me know in the comments. So far, it’s working wonderfully though!

Making a DIY worm bin adds a ton of extra fertility to your garden and is a great way to make use of food scraps πŸ™‚


Epic Gardening is much more than a YouTube channel. I have a website with 300+ gardening tutorials as well as a podcast where I release daily gardening tips in five minutes or less. There’s also a Facebook group with over 1,500 other gardeners sharing their tips.

β†’ Full Article:
β†’ Website: http://www.epicgardening.com/blog
β†’ Podcast: https://apple.co/2nkftuk
β†’ FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/epicgardening/


β†’ Roughneck Totes: https://amzn.to/2Lp3095
β†’ Drain Plug: https://amzn.to/2Lp32xJ


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