Gardening Supplies

Removing Weedy Grasses from Your Lawn | Art of Gardening

Welcome to The Art of Gardening! In this fresh new episode, we tackle those pesky grasses that ruin the beauty of your lush lawn– Poa Annua and Poa Trivialis! 🚫

Discover the secrets behind these grasses’ tricky behaviors.

The Poa Trivialis starts as a limey green, then transforms into a deep green that blends well with fescue lawns. It grows straight up, but don’t be fooled, it quickly turns brown in the summer heat and lays flat allowing it to snuff out surrounding grasses.

On the other hand, Poa Annua starts green, then goes to a quick flower head and will spread like crazy. It’s a persistent troublemaker! 😡 Poa Annua also goes dormant with summer heat exposure.

❗ Prevention is key!
What do we do to tackle these resilient grasses? You’ll have to watch the episode to find out!

Let us know what you think about our new show and tell us what other topics you’d like us to cover! 🌿

👉 Hint:
Here’s the winning formula: herbicide, wait, mow it down, sprinkle soil, seed, water, and watch it grow anew! Treat fall with pre and post emergent herbicides.

Here are the products we used:
PetraMax Surfactant helps the herbicide stick better to the grass shoots.

PetraMax Sprayer’s Blue helps you target the right spots for treatment. Treat these grasses right away, and when they’re brown and dead, top it off with Grass Paint Max for a flawless finish.

After extensive research and ultimately following golf course style treatments, Melissa is using the following products to help combat the spread of these weedy grasses:

Torocity® is both a pre-emergent and post-emergent weed killer that provides control of more than 45 broadleaf weeds and grasses in turf grass. Torocity inhibits photosynthesis in targeted plants and is absorbed systemically.

️️➡ For more information, visit

RightLine ETHO 4 SC is a herbicide for use on ornamental turf, including golf courses, sod farms, cemeteries, commercial lawns, and after overseeding specific grasses. It may be used on stablished perennial ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, creeping bent grass, turf-type tall fescue, St. Augustine grass, and dormant bermudagrass for the control and/or suppression of the annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. RightLine ETHO 4 SC has both preemergent and early (two-leaf stage) postemergence activity and works best in programs emphasizing both approaches. RightLine ETHO 4 SC application is most effective on healthy, vigorously growing turf.

➡ For more information, visit

Don’t let these grasses ruin your beautiful lawn any longer.

Join us in this episode and say hello to a picture-perfect garden! 💪🌱

Hit that “Subscribe” button now!


️➡️➡️ Follow Melissa from Fancy Flower Farmer and host of Art of Gardening on and:

Instagram: @fancyflowerfarmer
Facebook: @fancyflowerfarmer
TikTok: @fancyflowerfarmer


️ ➡️ For more information about our innovative products for lawn and garden care, visit our website or contact us by:

Phone: 1 (800) 613-6889

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  1. Scott's seed? I believe I have a mess of Poa Annua after a very thorough renovation using Scott's Midwest Mix.

    You can overseed lock-step with Mesotrione (Tenacity) pre-emergant. Works great for keeping crab grass at bay.

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