Gardening Supplies

September Harvests, So Good.

A quick cucumber harvest video, can’t believe how well these have bounced back after the Spider Mites.

Spider Mites:

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  1. You're a confident gardener now, JB, and what a fantastic year. I'm proud of you. You have to encourage Jess to get her flower garden on the plot going again next spring. Oh my goodness, that's a wonderful cucumber harvest. Well done!

  2. I'll bet everyone watching you carry home your veg were just wondering where you got all those lovely fresh vegetables 🙂

  3. I've grown loads this year, some were the lemon ones with a harder skin, but I only grow them to make Cucumber and mint relish and they are fab for that. All of mine are out now as I've planted the greenhouse up for winter.

  4. It isn't that hot here in Sweden, but a couple of degrees over 20 is still a nice upgrade to the last month or so! It feels like having tomatoes hitting your head all the time like that also is a good problem to have 😄That cabbage is looking nice! And lol, nice try trying to carry them all at once 🤪

  5. Might I suggest that you try washing the whole of the inside of your greenhouse with Jayes fluid at the end of the season,, it's not organic but it kills most overwintering pests,, it's an old fashion thing that people did in the 50's and 60's (is it still used?) to rid the greenhouse of pests before starting the new growing season

  6. I owe Grown Local a massive thanks, too. Every year I rip out my cucumber plants mid July thinking they have a nutrient deficiency. The presence of red spider mite never crossed my mind. This year I have resurrected them all and like you, am having a bumper crop.

  7. I’ve found over the years that you only really need a quarter of the amount of home grown fresh veg than you’d normally buy and eat from supermarkets or even farm shops. It’s so filling.

    Succession sowing is the key. And not feel guilty if you can’t eat/preserve it all. Low on tomatoes and chillies this year (plenty processed/dried from last year) but long on various beans, sweet peppers, sweetcorn, herbs, cucumbers, melons, courgettes, broccoli and sacrifice kale.

    I’m already looking forward to fresh leeks, cabbage, cilantro, lettuce, sunchokes, carrots, parsnips, fennel, spinach and winter squash this year. And more leeks, cabbage, spinach, white Swiss chard, cauliflower and PS broccoli over winter and spring already planted.

    Absolutely plenty of fresh veggies in less than a quarter of my beds. The rest will be resting after the peppers, melons, winter squash and the remaining sweetcorn is harvested, ready for next year’s onions, garlic, potatoes and another round of freshly planted spring and summer veg.

    I only grow what we like to eat. Last time I actually bought fresh produce was bulk cheap unwaxed lemons last week to quarter and freeze for the winter, and ferment for fresh hummus. And the occasional avocado. It sounds like a lot of food and loads of hard work but it isn’t, other than top dressing with new compost and netting. It’s the guilt when I throw away abundance into the compost or chickens. It’s what happens when growing for fresh eating. And I can’t justify the time or space to freeze because we store loads of meat and scratch made freezer meals.

    Unfortunately, I can’t give away spare veg anymore. Big brother is watching me and I’ve already been warned by a woke on the Council that I must register and spend a fortune complying with bio security and rules/regulations in order to give away fresh vegetables.

    Top tip. Do NOT offend a Woke. 🥴😅

  8. Amazing cu.s jb we had a few in our poly of crystal apple and the skins are a bit tough not sure why. We had couple of Tom plants in poly with blight I can hardly believe it as never had it in there b4 and I still got loads outside in garden that don’t have blight very odd. The greenhouse ones don’t have blight. Anyway you have done amazing. I have made 11 bottles of Tom sauce for freezer and I got loads more to do. Take care👍🙋🏻‍♀️

  9. Did you say “Honey Plus” cucumber? I want to try growing that variety next year! You got so many, even after that whole spider mite fiasco, the plant looks amazing and is still producing. Nice cuke harvest, JB! ❤

  10. Great cucumber harvest JB 👏👏. You've done really well, especially when having to tackle the Red Spider Mite infestation. Took home a lovely lettuce, Ishikura spring onions, apples, Nero Di Toscana kale, carrots, four more courgettes (our fridge is full) and still plenty more veg to harvest. Beetroot to pickle. Personally, it's been a difficult year so far, but time on the allotment is so enjoyable. I'm already planning for next year. Thank you for your update. Paul

  11. I'm trying to get my husband and daughter to keep on top of the gardens. I had a hip replacement 2 weeks from tomorrow, Thursday, 24th August . So I was working up till Sunday 20th, then on Monday and Tuesday, i did a huge house clean and a big food shop . Then Wednesday it was the garden, So strawberries are flying peppers we are using but the tomatoes are still green i cut the grass, feed and water everything, and cut back as much as I could it wasn't exactly the right time to cut back some things .
    So I showed them how to dead head and look after my tomatoes and peppers o and strawberries, etc. Strawberries are doing great. We are eating the peppers, but the tomatoes are still green. I'm hoping the heat of the sun will help. So all nice neate and done before i go into hospital. Although I was home Saturday after so only 2 night what could go wrong.
    yesterday i had to show my husband how to cut the grass trimming around the borders o he cut never trimed so I went out with my garden scissors to do it because I can't use a shears with one hand. Then I had to get the hose out after my daughter had watered and do it again. I just about managed to sweep my pato today. That's how my garden is doing. It's just with the sun we are getting I want to keep it going for as long as I can. Unfortunately, they don't like / do any gardening, but they did say they will when I'm on two crutches and can't do it. 😅. Now the grass will need another cut on Saturday 😊. I'm finding it extremely hard not doing gardening well. I'm dead heading and bossing them.

  12. Think you need to take a weeks holiday from work and put the doors on do a big clean up and get ready for next plating. If u keep talking and laughing you're not getting anything done and there's still a lot to be done inside the polytunnel. 😊😅

  13. Wow what a cucumber haul well done are you going to pickle some. I love pickled cucumber both finely sliced along with fine sliced onions and chunky with cauliflower and pickling onions …. Heaven

  14. Holy Moly! What a prolific producer the Honey Plus! Pickled cucumber, Tzatziki, Raita coming right up! My outdoor ones slowed down a bit (Marketmore such a reliable cropper and great for outdoors) and Crystal Lemon, which I tried for the first time this year. Can't say I am impressed they tasted bitter and have a tough skin. I have a Diva and Lili in the greenhouse. The Lili was lovely but succumbed quickly to heat and spider mite damage. The Diva is beautiful, sweet and thin skinned. Had a stall period but is cropping again now. 😃
    I had lots of plans for the veg garden on my days off this week but it is too hot outside to work for long. My garden has very little shade and the greenhouse is too hot. I have left the door open again overnight as it was 24C. 🥵
    So its been an early morning water and and evening water in the greenhouse and that's it. I have some brassica plug plants coming so I am hoping it will have cooled a little by the weekend to get those in. I haven't been organised with seed sowing for the winter as my son got married in the middle of August and we were away so it have been a busy time. No shame in plug plants and they should take off quickly … if the giant slugs don't get them😵

  15. You should have shoved all your cabbages and other harvest In a wheelbarrow and trundle down the road with them . Saved your back and if your going to get strange looks then do it in style IN lol

  16. Cucumber kimchi – quick and delicious! It doesn’t last as long as regular kimchi but I tend to eat it in huge quantities because it is so yummy

  17. Don't know what went wrong with my Honeyplus but both myself and my in-laws have found them quite bitter and horrible tasting 😢

  18. Hi JB, the heat is hard work, stopping me from doing jobs on my plot 🙄 shouldn't really complain, but we are not used to this heat 🥵 isnt it so good yo get lots of food for all your hard work. Each season is different & you do tend to change what you grow some seasons too. Experience the aphids, disease, hot weather has a huge impact too & a learning process too. I now understand when some plot holders do say, it can take years to get things right. I also feel, having our plots 10 years, we are still learning lots of new ways of growing too. Wow, lovely cucumbers! Great video. Thanks for sharing and take care 😊

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