
mhpgardener: 24-7 Compost Tea

After seeing the problems I’ve had with fungal diseases, it’s time to make some changes, for the better. Compost tea provides beneficial bacteria and can be applied directly to the leaves of your plants. Increasing the amount of good bacteria on the leaf surfaces should help slow down some of the fungal problems that I’ve been having. To make sure that I have a consistent supply of compost tea, I have put a valve at the bottom of a large barrel and will be brewing tea 24/7. In the barrel I have two 5 gallon paint strainers with my compost. I’m using composted goat manure in one strainer, and rabbit manure in the other. I am well aware of the benefits of compost tea, and for whatever reason I had gotten away from using it. With a non-stop brewing setup, I now have access to plenty of tea for use in my greenhouses and outside gardens.

A couple of things to remember: Never use fresh manure for compost tea. Make sure it has been composted or aged. Make sure you provide plenty of aeration. With a setup like this, it wouldn’t hurt to clean it up and restart the process every 10 days or so. And if your tea begins to smell bad, something has gone wrong. Compost tea should not have a bad smell.


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