Edible Gardening

How To Attract DRAGONFLIES For A MOSQUITO FREE Yard And Garden!

In this video, I share how to attract dragonflies for a mosquito free yard and garden! Dragonflies are nature’s mosquito control. A single adult dragonfly consumes dozens of mosquitoes a day, and swarms of dragonflies can eat thousands! I attracted armies of dragonflies to my yard, and my mosquito problem has been eliminated! I want to teach you how to do this!

Mosquitoes are the deadliest animal on earth, killing an estimated 750,000 to 1 million humans each year by spreading lethal diseases from person to person. But aside from the danger, mosquitoes are downright annoying and can ruin an otherwise perfect spring or summer evening by making your backyard unusable. I have a creek behind my backyard, and I had terrible mosquito problems that made it impossible to go outside on warm evenings. I knew I had to do something, and constantly spraying chemicals to kill mosquitoes was not the solution. Instead, I took a natural approach and transformed my backyard and garden into an oasis for dragonflies. Now, my backyard colonizes enormous populations of dragonflies. You’ll see them practically everywhere throughout the video. By attracting dragonflies to my yard, they are controlling insects for me so I no longer have to. It’s absolutely incredible.

In addition to mosquitoes, dragonflies eat gnats, flies, beetles, moths and other nuisance insects. The insect control benefits are endless. This video will teach you how to attract dragonflies to your yard, and it only takes 3 easy steps.

The following gardening products* per mentioned in this video:
Bamboo Stakes (5ft, 25 pack): https://amzn.to/3PrZTxm
1/8″ Steel Cable with Cutters: https://amzn.to/3EqX3SW
1/8″ Attachment Hardware Kit: https://amzn.to/3L9YicZ
Natural Pyrethrin Concentrate: https://amzn.to/44E3bBG
Organic Pyrethrin Concentrate: https://amzn.to/44LaXtS
Spinosad Concentrate: https://amzn.to/3sLrQXJ
Wettable Sulfur Powder: https://amzn.to/3P3QZ7N
Manual Pump Sprayer (2 Gal): https://amzn.to/3EII9rn
Cordless ULV Backpack Sprayer (2.6 Gal): https://amzn.to/3OVqNfe
Full Amazon Store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/themillennialgardener

0:00 My Backyard Mosquito Problem
1:35 Incredible Dragonfly Facts
3:24 Tip #1: Dragonfly Perches
5:18 Tip #2: Ecosystem Biodiversity
8:29 Tip #3: Maintaining The Population
12:19 Adventures With Dale

If you have any questions about how to attract dragonflies to your garden, want to know about the things I grow in my raised bed vegetable garden and edible landscaping food forest, are looking for more gardening tips and tricks and garden hacks, have questions about vegetable gardening and organic gardening in general, or want to share some DIY and “how to” garden tips and gardening hacks of your own, please ask in the Comments below!





Miracle-Gro Soluble All Purpose Plant Food https://amzn.to/3qNPkXk
Miracle-Gro Soluble Bloom Booster Plant Food https://amzn.to/2GKYG0j
Miracle-Gro Soluble Tomato Plant Food https://amzn.to/2GDgJ8n
Jack’s Fertilizer, 20-20-20, 25 lb. https://amzn.to/3CW6xCK

Southern Ag Liquid Copper Fungicide https://amzn.to/2HTCKRd
Southern Ag Natural Pyrethrin Concentrate https://amzn.to/2UHSNGE
Monterey Organic Spinosad Concentrate https://amzn.to/3qOU8f5
Safer Brand Caterpillar Killer (BT Concentrate) https://amzn.to/2SMXL8D

Cordless ULV Fogger Machine https://amzn.to/36e96Sl
Weed Barrier with UV Resistance https://amzn.to/3yp3MaJ
Organza Bags (Fig-size) https://amzn.to/3AyaMUz
Organza Bags (Tomato-size) https://amzn.to/36fy4Re

Injection Molded Nursery Pots https://amzn.to/3AucVAB
Heavy Duty Plant Grow Bags https://amzn.to/2UqvsgC
6.5 Inch Hand Pruner Pruning Shears https://amzn.to/3jHI1yL
Japanese Pruning Saw with Blade https://amzn.to/3wjpw6o

Double Tomato Hooks with Twine https://amzn.to/3Awptr9
String Trellis Tomato Support Clips https://amzn.to/3wiBjlB
Nylon Mason Line, 500FT https://amzn.to/3wd9cEo
Expandable Vinyl Garden Tape https://amzn.to/3jL7JCI

Follow Me on TWITTER (@NCGardening) https://twitter.com/NCGardening
Follow Me on INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/millennialgardener_nc/

Location: Southeastern NC, Brunswick County (Wilmington area)
34.1°N Latitude
Zone 8A

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
© The Millennial Gardener

#gardening #garden #gardeningtips #dragonflies #mosquito


  1. If you enjoyed this video, please “Like” and share to help increase its reach! Thanks for watching 😊 TIMESTAMPS for convenience:
    0:00 My Backyard Mosquito Problem
    1:35 Incredible Dragonfly Facts
    3:24 Tip #1: Dragonfly Perches
    5:18 Tip #2: Ecosystem Biodiversity
    8:29 Tip #3: Maintaining The Population
    12:19 Adventures With Dale

  2. The bamboo stakes is a great idea. Earlier this year my small back yard had 100+ Seaside Dragonlets which slaughtered the mosquitos. They reduced in numbers but are still there but the perches will be perfect! Thanks for the walk through of your back yard and garden. I have g-scale trains in the back yard (elevated though) and I'm going to put telephone poles along the line in several places to act as perches!

  3. I had a neighbor that came over a few years ago and do something I have never seen before or since. She put her index finger into the air (like your stick perch) and had a dragonfly land. And the real surprise was that she did it again the next week.

  4. I had a chain link fence at my previous home and hundreds of dragonflies would, in the evening, line up all along the top of the fence. Loved it. Great information. Thanks

  5. LOVE THIS! GREAT JOB as I am obsessed with Dragon flies and are very blessed to have them in NJ. My kids call them all Harvey lol

  6. Those dragon flies are so cute, they look like little aliens or super heros. Any info on those grasshoppers. They are also Gods creatures, but they decimated my bell peppers and love my zinnias. Over a few days my bell pepper plants were left to only sticks. 🙁

  7. YouTube’s algorithm is creepy. Today I saw a family of about 6 dragonflies in my yard and now this video is recommended.

  8. if using bamboo stakes in the garden…for the love of SIGHT….suck an egg.
    place an object such as a sucked egg shell on that ACCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN
    If anybody bends down to look at anything in that garden they risk an entirely avoidable injury.
    Our neighbour thought we were being overbearing by warning him of this,until his twelve year old ended up in the hospital.

  9. good video… I just noticed dragonflies lately. must be the water features in the area!!

  10. I can vouch for bamboo stakes!! I started using them last year, I set them up in sets of three and call it the Dragonfly Hotel.

  11. Dragonflies may help but they will NOT rid your garden of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are just a snack for the dragonflies.

  12. Those things are death on deer flies and horse flies as well. They snatch them right off of your head as they're biting you. Amazing pilots.

  13. Our home here on Never Never Lake, Alaska has a BIBLICAL hatch of mosquitoes every spring. Our dragonflies come a little later and it takes a few weeks for them to clear the clouds of mosquitoes. We treasure our dragonflies. Rule # 1.
    Nobody harms a dragonfly!!!
    Our favorite creature along with our brown bats.

  14. Well I must be doing something right — after 3 years of making the garden as healthy & diverse as possible, suddenly this year I have LOTS of dragonflies. Love them! As for mosquitos, I encourage spiders & birds every way I can, & am convinced this is why I almost never see a mosquito now. And for the first time ever, I saw bats over me in the garden at night last week. Best thing in the UNIVERSE for eating mosquitos. And this in a very urban area — gardens are magic.

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