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Napoleonic Wargaming is going live!


  1. Hello Tim, I always feel hard done by paying top money for fincast and resin figures compared to metal where I feel I'm getting my monies worth?

  2. Elves are definitely my favorite good faction to play as. If you haven't seen it already the newest plastic elrond, mounted and on foot are my favorite models in the entire game they're absolutely beautiful and he comes with a standard bearer. If you haven't already I suggest checking them out

  3. Can't wait for those Scandinavian video. Especially the how to buy I've always wanted to do it and all the other armies you made blueprints for, they have worked amazing for a new Napoleonic fan like me

  4. Great to see some mesbg stuff. I wish GW would re-release Perry's lotr orc sculpts.

  5. I read in the chat (watching while painting some Napoleonic Swedish minis) saying you have a discord? Any link to it? I can post an image of the Swedes I'm working on for that video as painted minis look better than bare metal, if you think the paint job is good enough, of course.

    Just have 10 minis left to paint up (6 line and 4 jagers) before this first battalion is done, but plenty of time and they are easy to paint quickly.

  6. That was a pleasant surprise, I was expecting Napoleonic and got lord of the Rings! I now have 2 reasons to watch your channel.

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