Garden Plans

Health Update

I have good news to share!
Thanks for all your prayers!

Link to the Great Fall Garden Festival:


  1. Thank God and all the prayers sent your way! It's been hard watching your struggle with what's been going on. Continued prayers on this road to recovery. We love you, your beautiful family and farm! ❤

  2. I pray this newest Dr has you back on your chipper active feet soon ,,your right our wonderful God does answer prayers ,,the news you shared sounds so hopeful to having things get the fix you need ,,I'm so sorry it took getting so sick before the turn around thankful to God for his answered prayers ❤😊

  3. I will continue to pray for your complete recovery. Glad to hear you finally got into see a doctor that can help you. I've missed you in the garden.

  4. The medicine will work but it will not be overnight. I had hyperthyroidism in the early Spring. I started Methimazole and it took a good month or more before the symptoms started subsiding. It took several tweaking of the doses over the next few months but finally my levels got to normal and I felt like my old self again. I actually completely off my medicine now! Thyroid symptoms can really make you feel awful!!! Prayers for a speedy recovery.

  5. I’m so glad to hear your getting somewhere. I have hashimotos, hypo thyroid disease. I’m not absorbing the medication for some reason. The level should be no higher than 4 but mine is 135 so I’m on a new liquid gel med. I will keep you in my prayers

  6. I lived your story several years ago. However, I didn’t want my thyroid removed or irradiated if at all possible. My endocrinologist agreed to let me take methimazole for 6 yrs. in hopes of the hyperthyroid going into remission. It took some convincing him and showing him studies in China to support my request. I’m glad to say after 7 yrs. my thyroid went into remission. Now I’m dealing with hashimotos but it is much easier to work with than a hyper thyroid. Prayers sent your way.

  7. We are praying for you both and will continue to do soon Lift You Up in Jesus holy name and we pray for you with all of his Spirit to lift you up in his precious arms and his precious name and the name of the Father the spirit the Holy Ghost in Jesus name I pray Amen and Amen❤🙏❤🙏❤ may God while with you each step that you take when you are unable to take those steps that he will take them for you🫶 we know that our God is a healing God and you are his child just like I am You claim this the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit
    And we will claim this in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit for you and that he will heal you be healed and new! Please claim this healing!

  8. So glad you're feeling better. 🙏💖🙏
    Thankful y'all got some needed rain and Gene is getting his tractor and barn project getting done before winter. 🤗

  9. Many many prayers 🙏 for you !!!!
    And lots of love❤!!!!!!
    When I got diagnosed with stage 4 cervical cancer …my doctor told me there is a light at the end of the tunnel …and there was …I've been cancer free for 2 years 😊
    GOD IS AMAZING!!!!!…..I will add you in my prayers 🙏!!!!!!

  10. What a relief you must have felt when you finally learned what your true diagnoses is . Now you know what your working with ! I will continue to pray for you Traci and your family as well.

  11. Continued prayers for your healing! I am so pleased that you were able to get to the doctor that has helped you! Our God IS an awesome God!🙏😊👍

  12. I pray that you do have the thyroid side read my mom had it, and she recovered very nicely and felt much better. I’m praying for you and I will pray for you until the end of time. Love you my dear.

  13. Thank goodness you have some answers. I have thyroid disease also(Hashimotos). Took me 25 years to get it regulated but its great to have answers.

  14. I'm shocked your doctor never ran a thyroid panel on you!
    I had Graves disease at 21. I tried the medication you are taking & had an allergic reaction to it. I ended up taking radioactive iodine to shrink it. I'm now 65 & have taken thyroid replacement since shortly after treatment. Too much of my thyroid was destroyed.
    Best of luck with your treatment!

  15. Tracy, so happy to hear you got properly diagnosed. That’s 1/2 the battle. Now you can begin your journey of healing.
    I loved your recent? tour of your garden. I often don’t get to watch live streams in order. But anyway your gardens looked so lovely. So many beautiful things growing. I get it. For some of us gardeners who strive for perfection in our gardens we will always be disappointed. But if we can embrace that it is an ever changing and always evolving “experiment” we may live with more peace and contentment. 😊I got this sticker from Jessica Sowards from Roots and Refuge that says “You cannot have perfection and abundant life in the same place.” It pretty much says it all, right?😂 After all we can plan our gardens all we want but God is the Master of Master Gardeners and he ultimately makes the plan. 😉
    I appreciated your explanation on how to harvest and use Chamomile flowers as I’m growing 5 plants and was wondering what to do with them!
    Have a wonderful time at the Meet n’ Greet. Soak up all the love that many will be giving you. Wish I could be there!
    Best wishes on your trek back to good heath! 🌱🌸🌱
    As always from CA, 🏖️take care. 🙏

  16. Tracy, it seems for some reason my comments are not going through. I have no ideal why. Anyway I did comment on your good news . I had been praying for your appointment to get moved up ,and I will continue praying. Today I pray you are still feeling better. I will be looking for your next video. God bless, I send my love. ❤

  17. Tracy, I have to cancel my trip to petals from the past because I have a fever and I signed up for three speakers along with my friend. I didn’t know how to get a hold of you to open up those reservations spots.

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