Container Gardening

Container Gardening Recipes PART 2

Container Gardening Recipes Part 2

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  1. Love your garden room!
    Do you have a video of when you were making is dimension and construction of it I was unable to find one.
    Love your channel those girls are beautiful. What a joy.😍

  2. Your recipes are stunningly beautiful! I love your gardening style. You have an 👩‍🎨 artist’s eye for color combinations! Looks like you are in the tropics. ❤🥰🤗

  3. I hear that mixing Dawn liquid soap with water will kill aphids when they are sprayed.

  4. Your container recipes are jaw dropping! Love the Blood Bananas and can’t wait until mine get that large. Thank you for sharing.😊

  5. Your home and garden is so beautifully interesting. Next spring I will be referring back to these videos before we start planting. So inspiring and I love your calm enthusiasm and laid back reaction to dealing with some pests issues. Looking forward to more garden updates and or tours even if you only have time for a short one…short and sweet…cuz Casey and family are so sweet.

  6. Beau ti ful,you have a God given talent you just gave me a lot of ideas for next year Hugs from NC

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