Garden Plans

URBAN GARDENING : Things you should know

Nature is unpredictable. Gardening is challenging. Making plans and having things change is a part of being a gardener.

#gardeningtips #shtfsurvival #containergardening #emergencypreparedness #growfood #stormdamage #mothernature #tipsandtricks #urbangarden #smallspacegardening #survivalgarden #trialanderror


  1. I freely admi the older I get the less patients I have . We have Squirls and although our dogs do a great job , I've started sniping them from the windows . It's proven to be a wonderful stress release and a good smoked treat for the dogs . Once you've seen one of those TREE RATS drag a tomato or ear of corn up a tree , along with all your hard work . ALL BETS ARE OFF . 🀣🀣🀣

  2. Thank god you and your family are ok. . We have squirrels eating our cherry tomatoes. The heavy winds did their damage. But still had a bumper crop 😊

  3. Im glad you and your family are safe. Thank you for the encouragement to keep trying at gardening. I’ve been trying to do an indoor garden and it’s been challenging, will try again lol

  4. I have 3 daughters and my Youngest is ready 4 what ever . Keep em coming from your Philly Brother.

  5. More sun light = more garden space! 🌞

    Let some plants go to seed & you should have plenty!
    You might get a perpetual garden that sprouts without planting, just need to learn the differences between the sprouts 🌱 &or weeds, pull weeds & thin the sprouts out.

    In long term shtf you’ll be eating those woodchucks! 🦫
    Keeping track of how many woodchucks/rabbits you have ,would be helpful , don’t kill um all!


  6. Wow…Glad to hear you and yours are safe…Good to see something actually growing despite the challenges…keep it up.

  7. So glad the tree didn't do more damage. Great to hear at least one of your kids are starting to get it. My two older ones are like yours and don't really care. My ten year old tho, she gets it. Thanks for the garden update. Ours did amazing this year. We only grow from saved seeds and we save everything. Coons got our squash and cantaloupe. Left everything else alone including our corn so fair sacrifice. Great vid and keep your powder dry and your pantry stocked young man πŸ’ͺπŸ˜ŽπŸ™πŸΎ

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