@Jeb Gardener

Jeb Gardener: Can worms improve hydroponic microgreens?

Would this video exist if worm castings couldn’t?

Start your own organic hydroponic microgreens with premium, aged worm castings from VermisTerra. Details are available at these links:

Use coupon code “Jeb” to help support the channel. I was compensated for making this demo.

The use of worm casting tea in this video was experimental. The product is intended to be used on established plants growing in media or soil.

Half gallon Pyrex storage dishes with “snap” lids were used to suspend a window screen over 4 pounds (1.8kg) tap water. Six containers were prepared:

Water Only
Water and 57g worm casting tea (added on day 1)
Water and 57g worm casting tea (added on day 4)
Water and 20g worm castings
Water and 20g worm castings and 57g worm casting tea (added on day 1)
Water and 20g worm castings and 57g worm casting tea (added on day 4)

For each container, 10g French Breakfast radish seeds were soaked for 1 minute in .3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution for one minute. The seeds were drained (not rinsed) and spread on the screen.

Light was excluded from the seeds until day 4.

The tea appears to inhibit germination (possibly from low PH).

Starting on day 4, the plants were grown under 6500k high output T5 fluorescent lights. A fan nearby circulated air. Temps were kept in the mid 70s to low 80s Fahrenheit. Humidity was kept between 25 and 40 percent.

Around day seven, a noticeable smell developed. The containers with tea had an ammonia smell and the containers with castings had more of an earthy smell. The water-only container had the least smell. It could be described as a mildly musky plant smell.

No mold was observed in any of the containers.

The water-only microgreens had a strong radish flavor and a slightly fibrous consistency. The worm casting microgreens had a lush texture, but were slightly milder, possibly due to the pink pigment developing less from the stems being shaded by from the thick leaf canopy.

Harvest Results
4g – Water and 57g worm casting tea (added on day 1)
16g – Water Only
19g – Water and 57g worm casting tea (added on day 4)
38g – Water and 20g worm castings and 57g worm casting tea (added on day 1)
46g – Water and 20g worm castings
51g – Water and 20g worm castings and 57g worm casting tea (added on day 4)

Adding worm casting tea on day one reduced yield by 17 to 75 percent
Adding worm casting tea on day four increased yield by 11 to 19 percent
Adding worm castings increased yield by 170 to 190 percent

Music is Vltava by Bedřich Smetana

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