Japanese Garden

Repairing Mini Hydroelectric System -Installing Lantern System – Starting Fish Farming Model, Part13

I started my jungle journey by building shelters, where I found my freedom and most comfort. Hope you enjoy the video and thank you very much for watching and thanks to everyone that has been watching and supporting my channel.
My videos cover Bushcraft, camping, fishing, shelter, off grid, log cabin, asmr, diy, primitive technology, wilderness survival and outdoor skills, bushcraft gear like axes, etc.
I’ve opened a Patreon account in order to give you the option of helping the channel in whichever way suits you. Becoming a Patron would allow me to focus more on YouTube.
Donations will go into helping purchase equipment and clothes for my future bushcraft videos and hikes. Your support also will help me buy a new computer for video editing. It allows me to create higher quality content.
💚 I’m so grateful for the support! You’re Amazing! 💚
#logcabin​​, #offgrid​​, #bushcraft


  1. Your quality of work is outstanding! I really like Your front Door Knob and Lock! Very nice! Your House and Little Paradise is so Beautiful! I wish I was there to sponsor You with all Your Electricial work and Solar and Hydro Electric! I truly wish more people had the skills and the Pride that You do when is come to working and common sense! Keep up the awesome work.Please stay healthy and God Bless.🙏🏻👍🌹♥

  2. I wish i cound see you make kichen and table for eat beside your cabin..i hope one day i can have cabin like this..your cabin very nice and beautiful ❤❤

  3. MAGNIFIQUE Franchement c est très beau quelle bonne idee pour le luminaire intérieur .
    Votre maison est bien finie bien décorée j adore.
    Muriel de France

  4. 我建議你買 電子鍋 煮飯 載買一台冰箱 可以把沒吃完的食物冰起來就不會壞掉 經濟許可 就要提升生活品質

  5. Bom dia linda!!!! Sua casa está cada vez mais bonita. Parabens!
    Voce não vai fazer um portal na entrada da sua fazenda? São tão lindos!!!

  6. Nice job on the the electrical, I think you have a good coach hiding behind that camera somewhere. The house looks fantastic and your hardwork shows

  7. You are a creative woman capable of competing with high-tech construction. Congratulations valuable and brave woman. I admire you a lot. Keep creating these impact videos….

  8. Vielen lieben Dank für dieses Video. Einfach Klasse. Aus einem Stück Treibholz so ein Kunstobjekt zu schaffen, einfach super. Die Lampenschirme erscheinen mir leider etwas zu überdimensional. Das Holz kommt daher leider etwas zu wenig zur Geltung. Aber , es sieht sehr schön aus. Die Korblampen im Aussenbereich, ich bin sprachlos. Leider war in dem Video die Herstellung nicht zu sehen. Schade. Sie sehen so schön aus, eine Inspiration für jeden Dekorateur. Vielen Dank für diese Inspiration. Dein Türschloss, wow, einfach edel. Nur, du solltest den einen Türflügel oben und unten verankern, damit kann man die Flügel nicht mehr so einfach aufziehen. Mach weiter so, ich schaue gern zu.

  9. Muito linda tua casa! Você é uma mulher incrível . Vejo teus vídeos sempre faz tempo. De tuas manas tbm. Vocês mulheres Vietnamitas são realmente SUPER mulheres admiro vocês. Abraços

  10. Waighting fish 🐟 with a scale ⚖️ from the back of a truck 🚛 and selling them to their own people in a land that belongs to them all which is criminal activity and robbing the people for free fish 🐟 our Creator gave to all on earth 🌍!!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡🔥🔥🔥🔥. Zarail aka Z 😡👑😡👑.

  11. Wow its like a jungle Hotel Resort. I would love to stay for a week & enjoy the peace & serenity of Nature. On the questions of snakes i suggest u get hold of a bag of sulphur powder & sprinkle all round the house compound that would keep them away. Good luck waiting for your open house to take house paying guests. Its time u run it like a jungle resort. ❤

  12. 我真佩服妳、什麼都難不倒妳、什麼都會做妳真是萬能的、誰娶到妳是他的福氣、不管妳除草還是養魚、最好鞋子穿的是雨鞋 為了妳的安全

  13. 와~
    조명 센스짱 먼지네요~👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
    맥가이버가 따로없네요

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