Japanese Garden

Results! Potatoes grown in a bag.

Yield: 4-6 lbs per bag. Results from 3 feed bags sewn with early potatoes. 15 – 20 litres of spent potting soil, dirt, rocks, chicken poop.


  1. Mama always said you can keep covering your potatoes till they bloom for greater yields. Thought it was a metaphor for life,but nope.

  2. Is Sir Potato Butt going to get guest shop appearances?

    Speaking of the witch, where is that pixie wrangler?

  3. Feed bag looks like a hell of an option.

    Ya gotta keep burying your taters to get them to produce. The bag would have worked a hell of a lot better if you would have rolled up some bag and added dirt a few times. Commercial potato farmers plant their taters in a trench and hill them when they're growing (with a hiller much like yours) 2-3 times.

    Personally, we grow ours in tires. They hold water and keep the dirt warm. When its time to add dirt, you can just as easy toss on a tire and fill it up. We get about 4 high before they die

  4. You should try growing Saxon potatoes 🥔 they are delicious baked or boiled or the big ones for chips, you can even roast them and I believe they are the most delicious tasting tatties any where, they are mid earlies.

  5. Im a mechanic, with experience in machining, general contracting, electrical ect and this is by far the best channel on YouTube My wife is a fan of bumblefork as a trained chef herself and refers to the lord of the north as the Re to my Tard

  6. Dude, the "rotten one" is the one you planted 😂
    Chuck a couple of handfuls of a balanced fertiliser in with them next time and you get way more out of a sack / container grown plant 🤙

  7. 4:19 The mogwai has returned! Did you teach her to weld or was that one of your jokes? If not I bet she's a brilliant welder by now. I like the idea of teaching kids advanced technical stuff from a young age. Make the other adults think they're a super genius so they get a little scared.

  8. Hmm, kinda tempted to try to do this on my balcony now. Growing your own produce is awesome, the eggs and potatoes from back home are much nicer than what you get in the store here in the city.

  9. I remember when you first were blessed with sweet ol' chikedee. Beautiful baby girl. I was still starting out with adulting. Still am to be honest. Now I sit here with my own little baby girl. Seeing yours a bit grown up now. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your journey.❤ I learn so much through you.

  10. Reminds me of my favorite potato joke…

    A family of Irish Potatoes are talking
    So a family of potatoes – a mother and her three daughters – are sitting at the dinner table one night. The eldest daughter speaks up. She says:

    "Mother, I've got big news." "What is it?" her mother says. "Oh, mother, I'm gonna get married." "Oh are you now?" her mother replies. "Who you gonna marry?" "I'm gonna marry Irish Red." "Oh a fine tater, a very fine tater indeed" says her mother.

    Then the middle daughter speaks up: "I've got big news too, mother!" "What is it?" her mother says. "Oh, mother, I'm gonna get married too you know." "Oh are you now?" her mother replies. "And who are you gonna marry?" "I'm gonna marry Idaho Gold." "Oh Idaho Gold, a fine tater, a very fine tater indeed" says her mother.

    Then the youngest daughter, who is no more than a child, speaks up. here, I've got big news too you know." "Oh do you now?" her mother says. "Oh, yes mother, I'm gonna get married too." "Oh are you now?" her mother replies. "And who are you gonna marry?" "I'm gonna marry Dan Rather." "Why, Dan Rather! But sweetie, he's just a common tater."

  11. first year in my whole life that I had a place I can have a garden. Too bad it was in Tucson Arizona, 111° today. I did really well though I had three types of lettuces I had Vidalia onions and garlic three or four different types of tomatoes jalapenos and Serranos sweet corn Indian corn radishes okra and my okra tomatoes and peppers are still putting out. who cares I got a $300 water bill

  12. About the heat…no thanks to long clothes. Maybe if you dress like an Arab with 3-4 thin layers of white cotton it could be cooler but just jeans and a flannel shirt? Nah man. I lived in South Carolina heat from birth until 35 and I'll take shorts and no shirt any day. No sunscreen either, like you said skin is the biggest organ and you don't want mystery chems all over it. Big Science is finally starting to admit sunscreen might cause cancer more than just roasting all day.

    Actually, as I typed that out I realized the last few years I have started to wear long sleeve under armour shirts if I'm going to be outside more than a couple hours. UPF50 pretty much guarantees you'll never get burned

  13. where might one find these great cotton shirts? I did not check every comment but my pale skin would love to know.

  14. We ran a potatoe harvester that my great grandfather got with his first tractor, something international he got out of a mine in Bendigo.

    Reasonably sure it was meant to be run with 3.5 horsepower. The smallest I had to run the thing was 140 horses of jhon deeres' finest. I bit of adaptation and welding later I made it work.

    4 generations of my family harvested 2 ton of potatoes, drank enough beer to negate any profits that could have been made. And had a dam good day out.

    Unfortunately, the eldest amongst us passed away the next morning. But that is a great last day. I hope I'm that lucky at my end.

  15. my taders are so damn sad this year, first time growin em and might be the last. dirt too fouled up here in the city

  16. Great video. What is the name of the green herb – Oh, Malva neglecta Wallr. or just Malva Neglecta, common mallow. I'll have to try that if it grows and is not invasive here in SE Texas.

  17. this year i did red & yellow fingered lings, yukon russets, and purple. for 75cents worth of seed it yielded about 15lbs over all. not bad at all. i dont bother with that whole mess of cutting the eyes etcetera. too messy.

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