Edible Gardening


If you live in cooler gardening zones and climates and think that you cant grow citrus trees at home, try growing your own citrus trees in containers! Citrus tree varieties will grow year-round if kept in the right conditions. They all bear edible fruit and have glossy, evergreen leaves and delicious-smelling flowers. How exactly do you care for your main squeeze?Learn how to care for your indoor citrus trees.In this complete growing guide video, I will show you step by step how to grow citrus trees in pots in whatever climate you live in! Growing citrus trees is rewarding, and easy if you follow a few simple rules. In this video I’ll cover planting, water, fertilizer, pruning, citrus pests and disease, moving citrus indoors in winter, and more.
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1) Espoma Organic Citrus Tone Fertilizer: https://www.amazon.com/Espoma-Citrus-Tone%EF%BF%BD-5-2-6-Plant-Food/dp/B00Y1XMZAU/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=espoma+organic+citrus+tone&qid=1692532344&sr=8-1
2) Miracle-Gro Cactus, Palm and Citrus Potting Mix: https://www.amazon.com/Miracle-Gro-Cactus-Citrus-Potting-2-Pack/dp/B0799NMGPC/ref=sr_1_6?crid=336Z7ZHWZ921R&keywords=citrus%2Bpotting%2Bmix&qid=1692532412&sprefix=citrus%2Bpotting%2Bmix%2Caps%2C117&sr=8-6&th=1


  1. Hi my dear friend thanks so much for a wonderful video and you did a great job sharing today. Always love looking at a beautiful garden tour video.

  2. I am you’re number one fan today the first one to leave a comment on this post. Oh I was so excited you have such a beautiful place.

  3. you are spot on in your methodology here. even the fertilizer you use is my favorite. i do not have my citrus in pots because i plant them in the soil of the solarium i built for them. to clarify one thing you were saying here, with all fruit and in fact with pretty much all trees, the root ball flare should be above dirt level. if you look at your tree trunk at dirt level and do not see a widening flair, your tree is planted too deeply. as for your dirt mix; vermiculite and perlite are used for the same reason. of the two, i prefer perlite as it lasts longer, is completely inert with no history of toxins like vermiculite. actually, the best soil is plain sand with a nice top layer of compost where you should be placing your fertilizer. always think about how nature deals with things. plants send roots deep in soil and bring minerals into their leaves which then die leaving a layer of bio-available minerals on top which creates a fertile layer inviting earth worms, fungi, and all kinds of bacteria and bugs which create a balanced eco-system. it takes centuries and millennia to build this layer (depending on location). then the more fruitful plants come along and get established. i spend more than a decade building my orchard soil. even when i had my citrus trees in pots like you have, i followed nature with great success. excellent vid 🙂

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