@Roots and Refuge Farm

Roots and Refuge Farm: Turn your waiting room into a classroom (Pea-Shelling Chat)

Hey ya’ll, I’m Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you’ll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we’ve learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you’re here.


WHERE TO FIND US (Some of the links here are affiliate links. If you purchase through our links we’ll receive a small commission but the price remains the same – OR BETTER – for you! Be sure to check for any mentioned discount codes.)

– Our Website: https://rootsandrefuge.com
– Sign up for our newsletter: https://rootsandrefuge.com/yt-signup
– Join our Patreon to get early access to podcasts and other information, plus monthly LIVES with me and Miah: https://patreon.com/rootsandrefuge
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– Shop our Stickers & Shirts: https://rootsandrefuge.com/yt-shop
– Order my first book, “First Time Gardener”: https://rootsandrefuge.com/yt-ftgbook
– Order my second book, “First Time Homesteader”: https://rootsandrefuge.com/first-time-homesteader-yt
– Instagram: www.instagram.com/roots_and_refuge
– Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rootsandrefugefarm
– Email Us: rootsandrefuge@yahoo.com
– To drop us a line:
PO Box 4239
Leesville SC 29070
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– To support us through PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jessicasowards


PRODUCTS WE LOVE – You’ve probably heard me talk about these things a million times, so here’s where you can order them (and get a discount with my code!):

– Greenstalk Vertical Gardens (Use code “ROOTS10” for $10 off your order): https://rootsandrefuge.com/yt-greenstalk
– Squizito Tasting Room (Use code “ROOTS” for 10% off your order): https://rootsandrefuge.com/yt-squizito
– ButcherBox: https://rootsandrefuge.com/butcherbox
– Growers Solution: https://rootsandrefuge.com/growers-solution
– Neptune’s Harvest Fertilizer: https://rootsandrefuge.com/neptunes-harvest-fertilizer



  1. Great video!! I have been learning in my waiting room for the last 3 months, closing on our homestead on September 29th. I have learned so much from you!! Thank you!

  2. Maybe add to the list: To drop as much debt as possible and get in the best physical shape that you can. Of course books books books.

  3. Love this! That’s exalt what I’ve been doing the last 2yrs. We can’t homestead until my youngest step son turns 18 and we’ve got 5yrs to go. Who out there is an off gird homesteader with off grid advice?

  4. Love this and Thank you. Im 60 years old and have been dreaming of having a homestead for years, I will continue to set goals to achieve this. The thing Im loving most about the journey is teaching my granddaughter about living a better LIFE. So i may achieve this late in my life but I will build it for Her. Thank you for the encouragement.

  5. Hello former-Arkansan. I have a chat suggestion. I could use a glossary of definitions re: the animals. Particularly regarding chickens; for example, what the heck is a brooder? You created in me a more seasoned gardener that won’t ever be a homesteader … but still, curious minds could use your knowledge.

  6. Best podcast ever!!!! I often listen while doing my garden work ❤️❤️, the Daniel comes to Beulah episode made me bawl.

  7. Great video! Thank you so much, I don’t find many content creators that touch on the subjects I want, being a California City girl my whole life I didn’t realize how much I knew nothing about. Like how I would get milk and dairy products (which I can’t live without) if I became self sufficient.😩😂

  8. Someday… I’d love to sit down and have a cup of coffee with you. You are so encouraging and knowledgeable!
    I do not know how you balance it all and get it all done!
    ❤ keep on keeping on!

  9. I loved this podcast. I have been a backyard Gardner for years. Last year I bought pineapple cheap and made jam, it didn’t set up, but I didn’t realize it was too thin until I defrosted a jar,. Well now we have pineapple topping for our ice cream. I don’t have a cow, so cheese and making butter is not an option that’s economically feasible for me,but I buy butter on sale and make my own ghee so much cheaper than the jars in the store. Thanks for your caring and encouragement.

  10. Jess, your expression “Turn your waiting room into a classroom” has made a huge shift in my mindset. For years, people have told me I was in God’s waiting room, and I thought all I was supposed to do was wait and pray. Now I understand there is so much more I can do while waiting! Thank you!

  11. I am listening on Patreon but I will relisten on Spotify, usually in the afternoons when I’m picking up my older kiddo from school. My toddler send to really enjoy your voice. If I’ve got the podcast on during this drive he has a guaranteed nap. ❤

  12. Turning my waiting room into a classroom. Wow, that was a phrase that I wasn’t expecting to hit me so hard today. I’m new-ish to the channel, just living vicariously through your garden tour videos. I’m in a really busy season of life right now with work, school, and kids, but so desperately want to move towards a homesteading lifestyle. I’m hoping to finally get a garden started next year🤞🏻but WOW I needed to hear you say that today. Thank you for always being so positive and offering your thoughts, advice, and wisdom ❤

  13. Does anyone have any recipes for raw milk after you’ve taken the cream off? Not sure what you can make from them.

    Does anyone have any links?

  14. Ms. Jessica, maybe you showed us those peas but are they the ones that look like tiny penguins? Love these chats. Maybe you didn't notice but a MAN walked behind you during this chat. It's just amazing how fast our kids grow. Seriously, Jack is a definitely a man now. WOW! God bless you guys.

  15. One of the best ways to break the “fast food” habit is to take the money you would have spent on that meal and set it aside. Money is mostly digital nowadays and most places you bank have “digital” saving options where you can instantly transfer money to your savings account. You would be surprised at how much money you spend on eating out! My problem is a coffee here, a coffee there, a donut here, a donut there……The food is bad for you and the money is better spent on your long term goals! Take that money and kit out your kitchen! Buy quality kitchenware because cooking from scratch is a daily endeavor. You need quality items that will last. Invest in your canning and preserving equipment BEFORE you need it! (Ask me how I know) Especially very large stockpots and containers to hold produce while processing. Learn how to make a good sandwich. I know that sounds lame, but there are a million ways to make a sandwich and all of them will be better, even the humble peanut butter sandwich, than that McDonalds burger! Here’s another real moment to have with yourself. Most of us consume way more calories than we need. Fast food and processed foods highjack your brain and make you believe you will die if you don’t eat NOW! You gotta get off that stuff and like any addict it’s going to be hard. Being hungry is ok! Give yourself permission to be hungry, to be truly hungry. Anticipate that good food at home. Working on delayed gratification is a worthy goal.

  16. The Ana White website is amazing! I had not heard of it before your video. I can’t wait to go thru it with my husband and pick out some projects!

  17. The taste of growing your own vegetables is amazing! I love sharing my little garden haul with my neighbors! I don’t have a big space. But you can grow a bunch in a small space. I’ve had so many tomatoes this year. I’m making tomato sauce wand salsa! I always check out the reduced counter in the produce department. Last week scored a ton of red grapes, so I canned a bunch of grape juice! In November I will make cranberry juice! Jess, I’ve learned so much from you! This year I am planting a Fall garden, my first time. Can’t wait to see how it does.

  18. Love these sit and chat moments. Busy hands and a free mind leads to the best chats with others and the biggest moments of insight for me! Spent the rainy day making pickles and pesto. Learning canning this year, and how to make pickles and more ferments. So rewarding and saves so much money long term.

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