Edible Gardening

August Tour of the Tiny House Garden, Record Crops & Weeds – Food Production in the WY Mountains

A look at what’s happening in our garden this summer. Lots of food produced so far, and lots of weeds as well.
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Join Fy Nyth on social media – mewe.com/i/fynyth ! If you are new to my channel and Fy Nyth (Welsh for “My Nest”) in general, welcome! I’m Ariel. Along with my husband Clay, our dogs, cats, bees, and some poultry, we live in a tiny house on wheels in the mountains of western Wyoming and are working on setting into our own new little homestead. I’ve been living this lifestyle since 2014 and my wonderful partner has joined me more recently. What will you find if you follow the channel and watch the videos?

Real life here. I try to show the good and the bad. The ups and the downs. What works, and what doesn’t. The parts I love (most of it!), and the things that suck. Not just the showroom version of a tiny house, but everyday life in a tiny house. Not just the romantic idea of “homesteading” or off grid life, but the everyday details of this lifestyle. We split wood for heat, fill the water tank from a gravity fed spring, and attempt to grow as much of our own food as possible between the weather and wildlife here. I hope to help others learn from mistakes and make life just a little easier for anyone else interested in pursuing a similar lifestyle.

 We live in a somewhat harsh and cold climate, but enjoy the stunning scenery and wildlife that we are surrounded by on a daily basis. You’ll also see videos of the nature and wildlife around my home. If you are interested in my photography or purchasing a photo, I’d love if you follow that over at https://mewe.com/join/arielcelestephotography  or ArielCelestePhotography.zenfolio.com!

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  1. I love the honesty with the weeds, life so often gets in the way of our 'perfect' garden haha I also appreciate your encouragement to grow! I wanted to add for those in cities and without much land, community garden plots and foraging on public land can be a great alternative!

  2. Don't be embarrassed about a few weeds, we all get behind from time to time. Nice to see everything so lush for you and to see Burley out and about.

  3. Ariel, in all the years I've been subbed, I've never seen your garden looking so unkempt.
    How on earth do you plan on eating 150 lb of cabbage?

  4. Your garden looks amazing! I'm so glad you had so much rain this year, made up for last years drought. I'll have to try the fermented weed fertilizer, I need to do more to strengthen my plants.

  5. gather your lettuce seeds and greens and you can grow as sprouts/microgreens. Maybe plant extra strawberry runner plants in the problem areas of native grass around your fruit trees…maybe the mighty mouse strawberries will whoop them. You can always hope. 🙂

  6. Thanks for the encouragement. I've started a small garden on my church property with cinder blocks. We planted collard greens, cabbage, jalapeno peppers, tomatoes, bell peppers, and some herbs. We harvested 3 cabbage heads and many collard greens. The tomatoes are growing like crazy, but are not quite ripe yet. The peppers are struggling, so I'm really not expecting much from them.
    I'm in zone 7 on the east coast. We also had record rain. Things are not perfect, but I'm looking forward to harvesting thru September, and starting another bed for next year.
    I also have a deck, and I've put a few pots with flowers, jalapeno peppers, cucumbers, and herbs. The jalapenos are doing very well. I only got a few cucumbers, but it was enough for a salad. I'm really enjoying everything.
    God Bless. 🙏🏿

  7. Well I’m thinking compared to the Flea Beetles from last year, weeds are nothing! Garden looks great!

  8. Really amazing harvest you have grown. Wonderful foods! Weeds get ahead of most of us sometimes, not to worry 😊

  9. I know that my chickens are great "helpers" for my weed crops! Like all birds, they kick out the seeds with their poop!

  10. Great to see your productive garden space. Hope the bees are doing as well. Your efforts in homesteading have always shown encouragement to others, even to this city dweller. All the best to you, Ariel, and those you love.

  11. It certainly is a record year Arial, next after the growing comes all the preserving (in one form or another) of this wonderful food for your long winter.
    I enjoy it all. Watching you getting seeds sown, weeding plus watching your plants grow then you will be harvesting and then watching all tour preservation of this food. Absolutely magic Arial. Good earth science with your soil testing, yes your weed brew is an effective growing tool indeed.
    As usual plus a few weeds, you have an incredible garden indeed. I’m so looking forward to your harvesting and then the preservation of this food for winter. I’m excited, in my pots surrounding my driveway is one of my vegetable gardens and my broad beans which I personally absolutely love, are starting to flower. They’ve been growing throughout our winter here, I have lettuces, spring onions peas are starting to grow up the netting on my fences. They should be done by the time I want to plant all my different varieties of climbing beans which I dehydrate for my winter.
    Your garden is such an absolute credit to you, weeds and all.
    New Zealand

  12. Thank you so much for the lovely garden tour. I live in zone 4b with a garden 22×40 for me. Mine is fenced around allowing me space to grow cucumbers peas, pole beans and winter squash on the fence. It almost acts as a protection for the plants in the beds on the inside. Tomatoes are beautiful this year but if the weather doesn’t warm up at night a bit I will have hundreds of lbs of green tomatoes and nothing red.

  13. Poor gardening year for us (Central NH). Too much rain, too cool, not enough sun. The azaleas are blooming now…. We've had plenty of cherry tomatoes but everything else is languishing or failing.

  14. Hi, i love your garden and the lifestyle you are living… I was wondering what are those steel/metal frame you use on the raised beds to hold the frost covers?

  15. Your garden reminds me of some N Alaskan garden videos. They also have a short season, yet their cabbages were HUGE! I am so happy for you to have a variety of crops to put up for the winter months. Even Burley came to eat some greens in the garden!

  16. Great garden Ariel and each year get better. And you are going to be busy canning again this year. Thanks for sharing your bumper garden. Have a grand day.

  17. Thanks for your video. You have got me so inspired that I’ve grown from seed in my mini greenhouse lots of veggies. Just planted out little yard and if I can achieve even 10% of what you’ve done I’ll be chuffed. You are an unbelievable gardener, thanks for giving a tour and info.

  18. Amazing video as always dear Ariel! As it is time for us all to reaffirm our sovereignty over the different corrupted industries (food an medical amongst others), growing our own organic food and medicinal herbs is one of the many amazing things we can do to better things for ourselves, loved ones and community. Bravo Ariel! 💙

  19. I love all of the colors in your garden!
    The cabbages are my favorite colors.
    I'm excited to see more of Clay as he settles into his busy retirement – LoL.

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