Gardening Supplies

Tools that will TRANSFORM your Garden Experience

Want gardening to be easier? Want to stay ahead of the weeds and the bugs? Want to be more motivated to get out there and get the job done? Sometimes all it takes is the right tool. The right tools at least make it more fun! These are our favorites…

Watering Wand:
Garden Hose Quick-Connects:
Hand Hoe:
Heavy Duty Scissors:
Hoss Wheel Hoe:
Hoss Oscillating Hoe:
Digging Fork:
Solo Sprayer:
DeWalt Vacuum:

More Than Farmers Hats and T-shirts here:

Our personalized Amazon shop with all our favorite stuff:

(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I’m a “quality tool” kind of guy, and I’ll only ever recommend something that I would want for myself. If you make a purchase through a link posted here I may receive a small affiliate commission, but at no extra cost to you. It helps to make this channel a reality!)

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Sharing our passion for efficient, sustainable homesteading that brings the family together. We believe in homesteading that’s sustainable, not just sustainable homesteading. In other words, we want to show you that homesteading doesn’t have to wear you out to the point that you give it up. We’ve seen it happen, and almost came to that point ourselves.

There’s fresh content every week, so go ahead and take a whack at that subscribe button if you’d like to join us on this crazy ride. Get ready to learn and be inspired!


  1. You mentioned Berlin Seeds in this video. I have never heard of them and live in Michigan, so I tried looking them up. No luck getting their website to work. Have things changed that you know of? Thank you and I really enjoy your videos and farm! Just binged a bit today as a friend told me about your You Tube channel.

  2. I have been gardening 40 year on land that was stony, hard clay soil. I tilled twice a year, not a deep till but still tilled. I tilled in leaves, compost, lime. Now I no till, but earlier nope. I also, found many tools at rummage sale

  3. Really enjoying your guys videos! reminds me a lot of special times I had growing crops with my papa. And the way y’all handle yours livestock is great!! Very interested in seeing how you guys would deer hurt.

  4. Awesome stuff! I use the same oldfashioned sprinkler, works amazing. I do the easy composting method too 🙂 Love the hose wheel and the styrup till/plow-thingy. I’m curious about your fertilisers. My onions failed miserably and I think some food would have helped them 😉 Tomatoes did great on the horse manure though! Not quite ready for covercrops yet and I think it’s late for phaecelia, but I’ll give it a go anyway. Love your flowers, called leeuwenbek in Dutch 😊 Thanks again for the video!

  5. Codi can you share where you bought your collapsible tomato cages? Maybe put a link if you have one? Thanks Codi!🤗

  6. You two have inspired @IdahoFamrkids to keep on trying homesteading. They are planning a bigger garden for next year.
    My one daughter has been trying making jam.
    My son is excited about our first milk cow.
    Thank you for sharing

  7. You're really getting dialed in! Your content is awesome! My favorite is watching you just figure it out. Keep up the good work! Old methods and tools rock!! 😊❤

  8. I would just ignore those yapping in the comments. Look at them, investigate whether it's actually helpful, and let them go. Negative people strike out at you because their life sucks and they want to project their unhappiness on you so they feel better. If someone says this way is better, the odds are there is info out there. Look and let go. I am a new sub and I am enjoying your content. I am disabled so love watching others garden and homestead. You two are doing great. I have been a scratch cooker most of my life. I started preserving later in life. I get thrilled each time I see a younger person embrace scratch/preserve type cooking and storing food.

  9. tractor supply is owned by Blackrock. Some youtubers say they have bought chicken feed from them and their chickens stopped laying. Everything is so impressive. You two are brilliant, and what a team!

  10. Don’t listen to nay sayers, your life looks like you all put a lot of hard work into. Just make your selves happy. There will always be negativity, especially on the net. Ignore it. We do.

  11. You can get a brass shut-off to screw on the end of your hose, then screw your quick disconnect onto the shut-off. It allows you to connect hoses, sprayers, or sprinklers without going back to the faucet to shut the water off. You also don't get soaked disconnecting one device and connecting another.

  12. l would love to hear how you manage mice on the homestead. l recently purchased a property to build a homestead & am battling mice. l have tried things l have found here on youtube but none of those videos are from homesteaders. l feel this area of info is lacking in our homesteading community & it would be great to hear from someone that has had a homestead for many years. Thank you!

  13. You are doing great job, I can never be near doing what you do. If you see mean comments, it only means that your channel is growing and thus trolls and people who breaths negativity will surely drop comments everywhere just to hurt others. Just ignore and forget that you read their comments and only remember that they added to your views and so it's all good 😂

  14. I wish Hoselink would sponser you. You would lovehoselink. I want to save and get one my self. It is retractable and moves on a post in all directions. It is amazing.

  15. Squash bugs are the worst! I hate them! They come from the soil, though. I tried netting and had zero luck! I'm new to your channel and have been binging videos!

  16. It’s such a shame YouTube has gone down the Facebook road ! Everyone has to have something negative to say ! I say your all doing a great job ..I enjoy your channel from outback Western Australia.

  17. Really appreciate the absence of ‘sponsored products’ in your videos. (That said, you have to put food on the table – so to speak- and so not condemning you if you do get some sponsorships!). Anyway, it was expensive, but I finally broke down and bought some gardena retractable hose reels because I wanted to free myself from hose duty completely. Anyway, FYI, just found your channel and am enjoying it. 🙂

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